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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Paranoid Government Views American Citizenry as Enemies

    Tuesday, February 18, 2014

    Paranoid Government Views American Citizenry as Enemies

    John W. Whitehead
    Activist Post

    Relationships are fragile things, none more so than the relationship between a citizen and his government. Unfortunately for the American people, the contract entered into more than 200 years ago has been reduced to little more than a marriage of convenience and fiscal duty, marked by distrust, lying, infidelity, hostility, disillusion, paranoia and domestic abuse on the part of the government officials entrusted with ensuring the citizenry’s safety and happiness.

    Don’t believe me? Start paying attention to how you and your fellow citizens are treated by government officials—the ones whose salaries you are paying–and then focus in on how the government is spending your hard-earned tax dollars. Pay particular attention to the heavily armed officers in tactical gear, the surveillance cameras, the drones, the roving VIPR squads, the cops who shoot first and ask questions later, the military drills in small towns, the military equipment being funneled to small-town police departments, and the massive ammunition purchases by domestic agencies such as the Postal Service, the Department of Education, the IRS and the Social Security Administration.

    While this hyper-militarization of the government is being sold to the public as a means of preventing terrorism and maintaining national security, it is little more than a wolf in sheep’s clothing. In fact, as I document in my book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, what we are dealing with is a police state disguised as a benevolent democracy, a run-away government hyped up on its own power and afraid of its citizenry, whose policies are dictated more by paranoia than need. Unfortunately, “we the people” have become so trusting, so gullible, so easily distracted, so out-of-touch and so sure that our government will always do the right thing by us that we are ignoring the warning signs all around us, or at least failing to recognize them as potential red flags and opportunities to ask questions, demand answers, and hold our government officials accountable to respecting our rights and abiding by the rule of law. Perhaps the more pressing question that needs to be asked right now is this: have we become the enemies of our own government
    To start with, the massive ammunition purchases by various federal agencies begs the question: why do domestic agencies having nothing to do with national defense, such as the Postal Service, the Department of Education, the IRS and the Social Security Administration (SSA), need mass quantities of ammunition and weaponry?

    It was recently revealed that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) plans on purchasing 75.1 million rounds of ammunition in 2014. In the past two years, the DHS purchased “1.6 billion rounds of hollow-point ammunition, along with 7,000 fully-automatic 5.56x45mm NATO ‘personal defense weapons’ plus a huge stash of 30-round high-capacity magazines.” They also received over 2,500 Mine-Resistant Armored Protection (MRAP) vehicles, which they have begun passing around to local police departments across the country.

    We should not jump to conclusions, but we should be asking questions and demanding answers. After all, these ammo purchases are not taking place in a vacuum. They are occurring alongside a number of other troubling government activities that should have every American asking: what exactly is the government preparing for?

    For example, in February 2014, the TSA awarded a contract to City Chemical LLC for $21,000 worth of potassium chlorate, a chemical compound often used in explosives. On January 10, 2014, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) made a statement enlisting the service of contractors who could “supply medical biohazard disposal capabilities and 40 yard dumpsters to 1,000 tent hospitals across the United States; all required on 24-48 hour notice.” This coincides with other medical requests seeking massive amounts of supplies, such as “31,000,000 flu vaccinations,” “100,000 each of winter shirts and pants and the same for summer” and other goods and services requests as well like tarps, manufactured housing units, and beverages.

    Taken as isolated events, these requests may not seem suspect, but throw into the mix a variety of military-police training exercises which are occurring across the country, ostensibly to “train” first responders to deal with emergency situations and social unrest, and together they paint a more alarming picture.

    In Richland, South Carolina, for example, U.S. army special forces participated in joint and secretive exercises and training with local deputies. The public was blocked from obtaining any information about the drills, other than that they might be loud and should not cause alarm. Documents obtained recently by the website MediaTrackers indicate that the Ohio National Guard conducted a training drill last year which involved responding to an imaginary terrorist threat in which “school officials plotted to use chemical, biological and radiological agents against members of the community.” The alleged terrorists were also portrayed as gun rights advocates. The Ohio National Guard has also conducted a training exercise involving a fictional left-wing environmental terrorist group.

    When one considers the growing list of opinions and activities which may make a federal agent or government official think you’re a terrorist, or sympathetic to terrorist activities—advocating states’ rights, believing the state to be unnecessary or undesirable, “conspiracy theorizing,” concern about alleged FEMA camps, opposition to war, organizing for “economic justice,” frustration with “mainstream ideologies,” opposition to abortion, opposition to globalization, and, ironically, ammunition stockpiling—it becomes that much harder to answer “no” when asked “have we become the enemies of our own government?”

    At the end of the day, we are left with more questions than answers and the deepening concern that these covert programs are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to a tendency on the part of the government to view the American citizenry as enemy #1.

    Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. He is the author of A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State and The Change Manifesto.

  2. #2
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    Tuesday, February 18, 2014

    Italian Banks Ordered by Gov't to Withhold 20% Tax on Inbound Wire Transfers

    Jeff Berwick
    Activist Post

    The news is pouring in: after .1% growth in the fourth quarter of 2013, Italy's recovery has begun. (That 2012 $600 billion dollar bailout clearly worked for Italy)

    But this .1% growth might not be enough to put the minds of politicians at ease. Another less reported Italian based event has taken place in the shadows...

    The European Union and its constituent nation-states are scrambling to get all of the pieces in place before collapse. Cyprus made headlines nearly one year ago when they enacted a bail-in against savers. I reported last week's revelation of savings confiscation in Europe. One main point of each article was that this is not the end. This will only continue, and what's likely is it is coming to your nation soon.

    The most recent revelation of eurozone wealth confiscation: Italian banks have been ordered by the Italian government to withhold a 20% tax on all inbound wire transfers.

    This is retroactive to February 1. Il Sole reports, "the deductions will be automatic (unless prior request for exclusion), and then it will be up to the taxpayer to prove that the money is not in the nature of compensation "income.'"

    As Zero Hedge puts it, "all Italians are money launderers unless proven innocent."

    Some more details:
    ... the collection is the result of the decision to consider any transfer from abroad and directed to an individual Italian, as a component of taxable income, subject to proof to the contrary, which must be date the taxpayer receives the sum on your account.
    However, the first payments to the Treasury by intermediaries (mainly banks) will be performed July 16, so that the deemed payment accrued from February 1 until June 30 (and therefore set aside and with interest). Next, you will pay the withholding every 16th of the month following the effective perception of the sum. In fact, all taxpayers who receive a transfer from abroad on their personal account - and not professional or business - will be applied to the deduction, as an advance which will then be computed in the annual tax return.

    But does any of this even matter? We see government after government imposing impossible taxation on its people. What is happening all over the world, including Italy, is that more and more people - in particular the wealthy ones - are moving their bank accounts into more friendly jurisdictions (Italian businesses are fleeing like refugees.), Eurozone or not. Some will cease accepting wire transfers, and others will accept payment in bitcoin and/or precious metals.

    All that will happen is that the Italian government will over time receive less money because less money will flow into Italy. But it is essential that people look into offshoring their savings. You don't want to be caught up in the government dragnet.

    Italy's main concern seems to be income payments in the form of bank transfers. Since the tax comes first, the Italians will face quite a battle explaining the origin of every inbound money transfer and if it is in accordance with the law. The Italian government is now viewing all money an individual receives from outside the country as income. As anyone with an iota of business experience knows, this is rarely the case.

    Europe has chosen a financial nuclear bomb for its continent: the overt confiscation of savings. Debilitating taxes. A government induced depression. Other continents will follow. Are you going to be burned by the fallout? That decision, for now, is yours to make. But not for long.

    Knowing full-well the trajectory on which the European Union finds itself, I started not only TDV Spain, but also TDV Germany. At these websites you can receive cutting edge information on The End Of The Monetary System As We Know It (TEOTMSAWKI) from european perspectives. Also, in our coming subscription newsletter, we will include the inside perspective of someone who lived in Italian but saw the writing on the wall and moved to Acapulco.
    Not only can these publications help you prepare, but so can TDV Offshore.

    Time is running out. We've been brought to beyond the pale at the barrel of a gun.

    If Europeans don't get their assets into hard assets (and other alternative assets) and outside the eurozone in the next few months, they risk losing everything.

    Anarcho-Capitalist. Libertarian. Freedom fighter against mankind’s two biggest enemies, the State and the Central Banks. Jeff Berwick is the founder of The Dollar Vigilante, CEO of TDV Media & Services and host of the popular video podcast, Anarchast. Jeff is a prominent speaker at many of the world’s freedom, investment and gold conferences as well as regularly in the media including CNBC, CNN and Fox Business.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Tuesday, February 18, 2014

    Freedom is obsolete, go with genes

    Jon Rappoport
    Activist Post

    Let’s start here:

    “A study on rats published in Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology showed that sound waves could be used to [reversibly] reduce sperm counts to levels that cause infertility in humans…The concept…is now being pursued by researchers at the University of North Carolina who won a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.” — (BBC News/Health, Jan.29, 2012, reported at

    After Darwin cast his view of evolution upon the waters, a notion that humans were “naturally selected” bio-machines gained increasing consensus.

    If Science could understand how a human was built, it could not only cure illness, it could change the inherent pattern of the body and brain. Evolution was merely a history of changes in the bio-machine.

    Eventually, this position was taken to the full extreme. The Eugenics movement sprang up in America and Germany, where it was used for a program of pure destruction.

    In other words, evolution could be managed through depopulation. Some live, some die, some are genetically enhanced, some are not.

    Through movies, through the press, through heavily promoted speculation— “we are on the verge of enormous breakthroughs in genetics”—the population is being primed for a pseudo-philosophy of selection.

    On the one hand we are fed “highly positive” assurances that designer genetics will enable the creation of smarter, more talented, stronger, healthier people of the future. On the other hand, we are told that the exigencies of “public health care” make it necessary to differentiate between “viable and non-viable” patients.

    These two threads are woven together, and in the confusion people are giving in, more and more, to the idea of a New Eugenics.

    At bottom is the un-debated question: IS A HUMAN A BIO-MACHINE AND NOTHING MORE?

    Most academic philosophers will tell you the question itself is meaningless. That’s their way of skirting the issue of free will.

    And any political document based on liberty and freedom can be trampled on with impunity.

    “There are only brains and those brains operate purely by genetic determinism.”

    And that opens the door to various versions of Eugenics. Because who can object to experiments on machines?

    Lee Silver, an enthusiastic molecular biologist at Princeton, has written a book, Remaking Eden, about the future of gene science in society. This is how he sees things playing out up the line:

    “The GenRich—who account for ten percent of the American population—all carry synthetic genes. All aspects of the economy, the media, the entertainment industry, and the knowledge industry are controlled by members of the GenRich class… .

    “Naturals work as low-paid service providers or as laborers. [Eventually] the GenRich class and the Natural class will become entirely separate species with no ability to crossbreed, and with as much romantic interest in each other as a current human would have for a chimpanzee.”

    Go into a university department of genetics/molecular biology, or a department of philosophy, and try to find a real discussion and debate about whether humans have free will, whether the human being is only a bio-machine. Good luck.

    Individual freedom has been cut out of the equation.

    But no one at the university level deems this a significant or disturbing fact. Teachers are far more interested in “group values” and “consensus” and the deconstruction of all ideas into an analysis of who benefits from having the ideas.

    The rearranging of genes in humans has, for some time, been discussed openly in academic journals. The cat is out of the bag. Geneticists, biologists, social scientists, bio-ethicists are all weighing in.

    And this is quite understandable, because not only do scientists tend to have a sense of their own superior entitlement and intelligence, they believe they’re tinkering with (biological) machines. They might not phrase it that way, but that’s what it comes down to.

    David King, writing at Human Genetics Alert, states:

    “The main debate around human genetics currently centres on the ethics of genetic testing, and possibilities for genetic discrimination and selective eugenics. But while ethicists and the media constantly re-hash these issues, a small group of scientists and publicists are working towards an even more frightening prospect: the intentional genetic engineering of human beings. Just as Ian Wilmut presented us with the first clone of an adult mammal, Dolly, as a fait accompli, so these scientists aim to set in place the tools of a new techno-eugenics, before the public has ever had a chance to decide whether this is the direction we want to go in. The publicists, meanwhile are trying to convince us that these developments are inevitable.”

    That’s the key idea. “There’s nothing we can do now. The march of progress is underway.”

    King continues:

    “One major step towards reproductive genetic engineering is the proposal by US gene therapy pioneer, French Anderson, to begin doing gene therapy on foetuses, to treat certain genetic diseases. Although not directly targeted at reproductive cells, Anderson’s proposed technique poses a relatively high risk that genes will be ‘inadvertently’ altered in the reproductive cells of the foetus, as well as in the blood cells which he wants to fix. Thus, if he is allowed to go ahead, the descendants of the foetus will be genetically engineered in every cell of their body.”

    But the gene enthusiasts don’t care about what happens up the line to the descendants. It’s all part of the grand experiment. Spin the wheel, take a chance. If “we” don’t like the outcome, spin the wheel again and see what happens. Eventually, we’ll get it right.

    One of the most enthusiastic proponents of human genetic engineering, Gregory Stock, former director of the program in Medicine, Technology, and Society at the UCLA School of Medicine, has written:

    “Even if half the world’s species were lost, enormous diversity would still remain. When those in the distant future look back on this period of history, they will likely see it not as the era when the natural environment was impoverished, but as the age when a plethora of new forms—some biological, some technological, some a combination of the two—burst onto the scene. We best serve ourselves, as well as future generations, by focusing on the short-term consequences of our actions rather than our vague notions about the needs of the distant future.”

    And why should individual free will be an obstacle; that’s just a superstitious fantasy; freedom was never real; there was always and only The Experiment; natural selection, intentional selection—what’s the difference?

    Scientific/medical/technological elitists are sitting at the table with many chips to play. They’re betting that, in the long run, they will win, because they are touting hypnotically entrancing “imperatives.”

    And if by chance, they discover a reliable way to utilize gene insertion to produce sterility and infertility, they will see a path to quiet depopulation. And then who will control the technology? Wide-eyed futurists who teach at universities, or calculating operatives who work for the hardest-line Globalists?

    The current generation of scientists and academics who want to move full speed ahead on engineering evolution aren’t the old crusty scowling researchers from days gone by. They’re enthused, they’re daring, they look and dress like ex-hippies who’ve moved to the suburbs. They’re happy sociopaths spreading cheer. And they talk like software designers operating on the bright cutting edge.

    What could go wrong?

    And to cement in the argument for engineering humans, there is the ever-popular fairness argument. Professor Julian Savalescu, of the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics:

    “Nature allots all sorts of abilities and talents in a random way. It’s not fair, and I don’t see why we should let people’s lives be determined by the throw of a dice.”

    Unless throwing a pair of scientific dice results in multiplying catastrophes, or the use of workable genetic technology (if it really is workable) raises an unending roar and riot from millions, even billions of people who claim they’re being denied their right to be Equal.

    When individual freedom is no longer discussed in great depth by people who should know better, when it is left to wither on the vine, many programs and structures are built to take its place.

    These programs, like the genetic engineering of humans, are meant to erase the consciousness that freedom is important or even exists.

    Jon Rappoport is the author of two explosive collections, The Matrix Revealed and Exit From the Matrix, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

    It sounds to me like the "powers that be" are losing patience with the chattel, and want to genetically engineer a better breed of serfs!!!!

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