European Defense shield

Americans need a Missile shield to protect from Obama

- Dr. Laurie Roth
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Russia now has its knickers in a twist over America talking with NATO and planning to deploy a missile defense shield in Europe. The great Ronald Reagan put this plan in motion when he was in office. Remember ‘Star Wars’?

There were many reasons to help protect our allies throughout Europe from possible attacks. Especially after the disbanding of the Communist Russian empire that wanted nothing more than to control more of Europe and the world. Once they were humbled and disbanded, under the courageous leadership of Ronald Reagan, the danger fractured and dissipated but continued to grow like a cancer as leadership in Russia has sought to reclaim old properties and territories, now independent countries like Georgia.

President Medvedev promises a new Cold War over the Missile deal we are now talking with NATO about. Gee, I never knew our relationship with the Russians turned ‘Hawaiian Beach warm.’ It has always been cold, cool and on a great day, tepid.

They still want control and power. They arm our enemies all over the world and use their same old strategies, threats, military invasions, and support of dictatorship regimes that would gladly try and hurt us. This Cold and dangerous history with Russia is precisely the reason I believe Obama was out of his mind to sign a START treaty with Russia in the first place.

The START treaty was based on nothing but leftist, idiocy that says the following: Together we can reduce the threat of world wide nuclear danger; We will commit not to attack in kind if attacked with a weapon of mass destruction; We will boldly reduce our nuclear inventory. We will have inspectors and check everything out. We will be fine.

Perhaps Obama and his inspired administration could come off the Hollodeck on the old Star Trek set and look at real life. Governments, especially with communist bone marrow that have no submission to or belief in God, will gladly sign one thing, say one thing, show the media that they are doing one thing, while the whole time doing another thing, having another set of books, different locations, bribes and pay offs.

If you actually believe Russia would reduce their Nuclear weapons by hundreds, while we do the same……I have a simple question for you. How many types of drugs are you on?
Back to the European Defense shield

It is critical that Obama follows through with the Missile Defense shield, not only to keep any dreamed about plans from Russia at bay but protect against Middle Eastern attacks, namely Iran. Attacks from anywhere in the Middle East are up for grabs these days with the Muslim Brotherhood circling their terrorist wagons for Egyptian leadership, Syria shooting and mowing down their people, Libya in a civil war, Hamas joining with Fatah and Iran doing its usual attack planning while waiting for the Madi to come out of the well.

While America must use all the Ronald Reagan charm, values and clarity she has to get along, she must also take bold and even clearer stands against evil. That means against any threat of Islamic radicalism and last I checked that was peppered throughout the world and would love to take out the great Satan, the U.S.

Using all the talk, dinners and communication strategies we have, we must let Russia, Islamic fundamentalism and other threats know that any attack on an American, her allies, including Christians and Jews is an attack on all of America and will be strongly retaliated against.

As it is now, we have a President kissing up to all the wrong leaders around the world, while trying to look ‘John Wayne’ here and there for political points. Remember back toward the beginning of Obama’s first term he was offering support and kissing up to Chavez, while standing boldly behind Zelaya who was breaking the law in Honduras and attempting to force his way into a dictatorship like his close friend Chavez has. We then saw Mr. John Wayne Obama give 900 million to the serial killer group, Hamas who does nothing but plan the demise of Israel and Jews.

We saw him sign the START treaty with a former sworn enemy, Russia who was far from ready for the marriage bed of trust!

The attempted John Wayne part for Obama was to look like he was very interested in stopping the murder of innocent civilians when he bypassed our congress, went straight to the UN and got us into another 100 million dollar a day war inLibya . Naturally we find out days later that the freedom fighters we were supposedly saving were linked with Al Qaeda. To some, Obama would look like a Hawkish, John Wayne. To me and most of America he looks like an unconstitutional, UN American fool.

We heard Obama talk about how we had to go in to Libya. It would have been UN American to ignore the suffering and murders. I guess I’m wondering why the hundreds of thousands of beatings and executions every week throughout the Muslim world are ignored by this President. No comment on the bloody atrocities and attacks occurring daily in the name of Islam and Sharia law…..but this President cares. Then there were more murders of Coptic Christians all through out Egypt, while their churches were burned to the ground. The dozens of murders, rapes and torturing session were just the recent ones I can think of last week. Our President has been totally silent. You see, it doesn’t matter when hundreds of thousands of Christians and Jews are tortured, raped and slaughtered, only if Muslims have a ‘rights’ complaint and are annoyed.

America desperately needs a Missile Shield over her until 2012 when we must boot Obama and the other Un American lamebrains from congress and put real Americans who actually love their country in.

Dr. Laurie Roth

She can be reached at: