COLUMNIST: People Who Voted For Biden Are Quickly Going To Realize It Was A Mistake

By Mike LaChance -
January 10, 2021


Millions of Americans who voted for Joe Biden are going to regret doing so and possibly sooner than you might think.
That’s what columnist Daniel Gallington is suggesting.

• The COVID-19 pandemic will persist, along with the political accusations of incompetency. The Biden administration will suffer as did the Trump administration, albeit with far less negative media attention.
• Personally, Mr. Biden is a consummate and self-promoting nitwit — has been for many years — and it will be impossible to hide this from general view as we will be forced to listen to his gaffes every day. But again, with far less negative media attention — as the media will report on him reading from the tele-prompter.
• The assumption of the DNC and the Biden administration that the 2020 election was some kind of liberal mandate will fail miserably. And this dynamic will likely be the main factor in Mr. Biden’s failure.
It’s hard to argue with this analysis, especially that last point.
The Democrats think this is their big chance and they will undoubtedly overreach.

COLUMNIST: People Who Voted For Biden Are Quickly Going To Realize It Was A Mistake (