Imran Sq originally shared:

Petrodollar Status: How The Banking System Really Works To Create Successful Slaves
Every dollar in existence is loaned into the system by a bank. The dollar is the world reserve currency and preffered currency used to sell oil in the global market. It means the whole world is affected by how money is made.

An interesting story - before the attack, Iraq had just changed their oil currency into Euros. Quite quickly after the invasion, this was rapidly reverted back to the dollar at a loss of 15%-20% in revenue (forex).

Who Prints The Money? - Federal Reserve

1. Up until 1913 America did create its own money, there was no need for a middle man (Federal Reserve).

2. The Federal Reserve (private entity)now loans money to the government and other entities.

3. Federal Reserve is in control of interest rates on these loans and claims to not have owned any gold since 1934.

4. Federal Reserve does not loan money that they actually have, they create the loan (computer) that creates the money (print).

5. A bond between government and the federal reserve ensures all money borrowed will be returned with interest by tax payers.

Who Creates The Money? - Banks

1. Ordinary banks are allowed to loan out money (i.e. mortgages).

2. Banks can lend money invent up to 10x the amount of their customers deposits and lend it.

3. Banks expect you to pay back that money with interest (i.e. fractional reserve banking).

4. Many banks structure loans in such a way that for many years you are only paying interest.

5. 75% of all money in circulation is created this way.

Who Pays The Interest? - No One

1. Interest ensures there is always more debt than money in circulation.

2. People pay imaginary interest back with imaginary money earned.

3. Money to pay interest does not exist. Never has, never will.

4. Every so often someone will go bankrupt. This is the unseen force that draws dollars (and assets) back into the bank.

5. People earning money are really just moving it through a system.

6. Banks create money out of nothing, you pay the interest or you go bankrupt. Bank eventually owns the money you worked for.

7. Even if the bank's collapse, the tax payer HAS to bail them out to keep the federal reserve afloat. Again, with borrowed money from the federal reserve.

The Successful Slave: Someone who can work and keep up to date with repayments.

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Quotation: "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."