This is what I wrote to Gov Schwarzennegger of Ca.....

I am so sorry I voted for you……

I read that you plan on releasing non-citizen criminals onto the streets…..These criminals do NOT belong in the United States to begin with….So why would someone even think it is reasonable to release them back into the U.S….The logical thing to do would be to call ICE and get them deported to wherever they came from….If these released criminals kill or maim an American citizen…..It will be YOUR fault…..and YOU can explain to the grieving family why YOU released this person to the streets…Do you not care that you are endangering the lives of Citizens??

I also read that Los Angeles County gives over $44 million to people who are not supposed to be in the U.S thru Welfare payments and Food Stamps…This is each and every month….This is Los Angeles County alone….I am asking WHY?

Why are you expecting United States citizens to pay for people that broke into the United States???? WHY????

Your idea is to cut back on benefits to Citizens so you can keep giving to non-citizens……..NOT A SMART IDEA….. And it does not even make sense….

What part of “DO NOT BELONG HEREâ€