Congress is vacationing. Time for us to attack State Governments. I will post several of my boot comments. Please get inspired.

Dear Governor Crist,

I want to live in a Country that is self-governing by the rule of law. I am sharing ideas that could make this a reality for Florida.

PLAN 1: Florida should succeed from the United States. I will gladly finance a fact finding trip to South Carolina. We need their expertise in what to avoid .

PLAN 2: We announce to the President and Congress that Florida has been outsourced. They adore in-sourcing. Millions of Visas are very lucrative. A bit of grease may be necessary for outsourcing approval. I suggest Thomas The Truck toys, imported from China and painted with lead paint. Mentally challenged children love this toy and are engrossed for up to 10 minutes. Our Congress and President would be challenged for the remainder of their lives. They would not recognize that Florida was gone from the Union.

PLAN 3: We simply ignore the Federal Government. They do not actually write laws. This chore is outsourced. They do not read laws because that chore is difficult. They do not enforce laws with this one exception. “It is unlawful to pass between a TV camera and any performing elected official. The penalty is death.â€