This is another email letter I get and this is a group I belong too

Dear Patriots:

Join us on October 24 at one of the many nation wide rally's to show the world how we feel about the corrupt United Nations and this administration stealing taxpayer money to fund the corrupt United Nations.

We have many people all over America to voice their support in our efforts to bring the truth about the UN to light and demand that Congress stop this insane funding.

On Sept 20, this President,obligated the US to another UN program designed to destroy your freedom.

Eight countries have endorsed the Open Government Partnership on September 20, 2011 and are publicly releasing open government plans:

South Africa
United Kingdom
United States.

Under Increase the availability of information about governmental activities, which sounds benign and helpful to taxpayers, the first sentence is chilling. “Governments collect and hold information on behalf of people, and citizens have a right to seek information about governmental activities.â€