Poor America: Cash-strapped NASA needs to hire out parts of Kennedy SC

Brian Vastag
Washington Post
February 21, 2012

Cape Canaveral, Fla. — A figurative “for rent” sign hangs on the front gate of John F. Kennedy Space Center.

Among the facilities available: A space shuttle launchpad, slightly used; a giant crawler for moving rockets, still servicable; two enormous mobile launch platforms; two space shuttle maintenance hangars; a 15,000-foot concrete runway, one of the world’s longest; and the blocky, 52-story Vehicle Assembly Building, with four soaring rocket assembly bays — and no waiting.

… “I have a lot of facilities that we, NASA, no longer need,” said Robert Cabana, Kennedy’s director and a four-time space shuttle flier. “I don’t have the money to maintain them, I don’t have the money to tear them down. They’re just going to sit and rot.”

That is, unless NASA can find some tenants. …

» Poor America: Cash-strapped NASA needs to hire out parts of Kennedy SC Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

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