Porkulus II: Return of the Phony Jobs Boondoggle
by Michelle Malkin
Copyright 2010

http://michellemalkin.com/2010/02/10/po ... oondoggle/

Immutable law of Beltway political physics: The only real jobs that a government stimulus stimulates are government jobs. A year after President Obama signed his first trillion-dollar economic stimulus package into law, the federal workforce is at all-time high. The nation’s unemployment rate has swelled to 9.7 percent, but Washington’s economy is thriving.

More than 2.1 million government workers will be on the federal payroll by the end of 2010. The lobbying industry is booming. USA Today reports that 14 federal agencies have hired 3,000 workers to oversee stimulus spending and spent nearly $190 million so far on salaries and overhead.

Just one-third of the stimulus money has been spent so far, but the White House is now hectoring the Senate to ram through yet another phony jobs boondoggle in the name of bipartisanship. As GOP Rep. Jeb Hensarling of Texas reminded Americans during the Republicans’ weekly radio address Obama and the Democrats promised a year ago that the jobless rate would remain below 8 percent with their stimulus legislation. “Americans are still asking, ‘Where are the jobs? Where are the jobs?’ But all they are getting from Washington is more spending, more taxes, more debt and more bailouts.â€