Possible Obama assassination plot gets little US coverage

by Michael Carmichael

Global Research, August 26, 2008

http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php? ... a&aid=9958

*The USA is now ranked 53rd on the World Press Freedom Index.

Oddly, an apparent plot to assassinate Barack Obama during his acceptance speech in Denver that led to four arrests on Sunday is getting very little coverage in the US MSM.

It would appear that a blackout is now in force on this story in the US MSM.*

Both Ha'aretz and the Jerusalem Post covered the story detailing the FBI arrests of four subjects now in custody.

Unsubstantiated reports from Moscow allege that the plot was foiled after the FSB intercepted documents in Georgia describing a project code-named: "Operation Drago" -- an assassination plot that was allegedly engineered by a rogue element of high-ranking Israeli military officials.

The Russian report described the plot that involved a disinformation ploy to set up the members of an outlaw motorcycle gang, the 'Sons of Silence,' as expendables to mislead investigators from the actual perpetrators of the operation. The outlaw bikers arrested by the FBI are described as Neo-Nazis.

Ironically, Obama's opponent, John McCain, made a blatant appeal to the racist right by appearing at the massive outlaw biker rally at Sturgis, South Dakota, an annual convention of Neo-Nazis, white supremacists and anti-semites.

Lebanese television is now covering the story of the Denver assassination plot.

Some of the international reports describe the confessions of one the suspects to his part in the plot to assassinate Obama that was scheduled to take place during his acceptance speech at Invesco Field this Thursday by using a high-powered rifle from a high vantage point that would have provided a clear and unobstructed shot at the podium.

Yahoo has covered the story, but its reports do not contain the rich detail of the accounts published by foreign news agencies.

Planetary is monitoring the global coverage of this story and the other coverage, foreign and domestic, of both national conventions.