GOVCO Spending $9.7 Trillion, it's not about foreclosures, it's about criminal government, criminal bankers and globalism.

Great article at yahoo by bloomberg. Bloomberg is also sueing the Federal Reserve to find out where all the money has been going, it's time we knew. The article explains.

$9.7 trillion the American People will be on the hook for, enough to give every person on earth over $1,300.

As you crunch the numbers in your mind and read how the $9.7 trillion could pay off 90% of all mrtgages in the US, you will soon see this really is nothing about people not paying house payments, which is supposed to be only 3 or 5 % of all mortgages?

Read the full article, a very good read. ... q2b3xegkok

My observations of this whole stinking rip off,

You might ask yourself why do we need enough money to pay off 90% of all mortgages, can't we just pay the 3 to 5% that are defaulted and come out way better? Better yet doing that would also save the further plummit of housing prices surrounding those foreclosures? Well, of course it would but there is one problem with the simple sure fire fix, it doesn't give the bankers, the federal reserve and powers that be the trillions to globalize everything, this is nothing more than the biggest heist ever in the history of mankind, makes all other rip offs look like gumballs in comparison.

I don't even think there are these so called illiquid assets, we've not seen them, they've not been priced, nobody knows what they consist of and the federal reserve and the government seems to go to extreme lengths to make sure they aren't seen or priced. The reason why is because it isn't the assets thats the problem if there really is a REAL problem and not a manufactured one to set up the grandest heist in the history of the world. Just think of it this way, all the banks gambled on a football game and lost, they lost to foriegners whom they supposedly sold the assets to. The assets are the football team, it doesn't matter what the team is, cost or how often they win, the only pertinant critera is, the team the bankers were betting on that day lost the game, the bankers lost the bet and the bet was so large they didn't have the money to pay the forieners the debt from the bet, the bankers couldn't tell foriegners all around the world that they didn't have near enough money to pay the bets off, which would piss them off and the foreigners would stop buying American debt, which would put America in a real hard place with our $10 trillion deficit, so the American Tax payer became the fall guy to pay the bad debts for the bankers. You can't rip off the foreigners and then expect them to come running to invest in with Americans again after they've been ripped off, only an American would be that dumb. Then again the global mafia could be telling the foreigners, if you stop buying American debt, we will go under and they will never see they're money at all, this might keep them giving a little to get a little for now.

And since we have a very deminished manufacturing and R&D base, without those foreign funds we'd be screwed, and we still might end up that way and guess what? Us Americans will be stuck here in the land of dodo but you know where Bank of America, AIG and the federal reserve will be? They'll have hundreds of offices all around the world (financed by us), they can just go there for their safe haven. It wouldn't suprise me if Bank of America eventually bought itself out under a new name and then just left America, especially when taxes become sky high and its cheaper to do business elsewhere, and they can no longer tap the American people for money because it will eventually dry up, even though it looks like we can keep a printin, there is a limit and it seems we are getting ever more close to it. Hence, in 6 months we will be hearing how it is of the upmost importance for us to form the North American Union, to stop this financial ruin. By the way, is all that highway money in the stimulus bill going to be used to build the Texas corridor?

The federal reserve and the sec ok'd these bad transactions, let them pay for them.

Another thing that makes me think this whole scenerio could be a well planned theft is there are many things they could do to instantly fix this problem but they won't hear of it, the finest financial minds in the world, sure.

They could simply change the rules, a few commitee hearings, some paper and a new laws could fix it.
Changing the bogus mark to market accounting rules could fix it.
Many other solutions that would cost far far less than this aren't even being discussed like its an insult to the great minds to come up with simple solutions.

Obviosly they don't want to fix the problem. They haven't returned to sound monetary policy that has proven to work, they haven't eliminated the financial gambling which they call financial istruments, they haven't gotten rid of any of the problem people that caused this. That pretty much tells me they don't want to take away the financial ponzi scheme's that got us into this mess, just like the small time addicted gambler, they won't see what they are doing, and they will deny the gambling rules don't work, in fact they have to leave all the rules in place so they can double down the bet and get us out of this mess, well, it ain't going to work, meantime we are the loan shark but we're getting the shaft because once the money is gone, the people that brought this on us, you know, the ones that won't leave the arena now, they will be long gone and I'm sure one day will find the money trail with the tail of billions in payoffs. Most will be to politicians, which will hand over even more of our cash back to the companies that paid them off, its called a conflict of interest and this is why corporations should never be allowed to donate to politicians.

Is this a real problem or is it really a very much smaller problem being blown way out of proportion to milk the US tax payers out of trillions, just to fund the global agenda, and at the same time bring America down just for the gain of a greedy few? I'm sure there are quite a bit of problems but how can you spend enough money to payoff 90% of the motrgages in America, when 96% of people are paying their payments? And unemployment is only 8 to 15% depending on where you live.
This whole thing stinks and as usual, the press won't investigate anything, all they do is talk about it with the talking points the media elites give them to talk about, which totally steers away from any rational thoughts, answers or solutions. As soon as someone says let the free markets work and keep government out of it, you have some talking media head saying "we have to do this or we will die! I'd just like to ask them one thing, What the hell do you think middle America is doing? We're almost dead now!