Pro-Gun Connecticut Republican Unseats Anti-Gun Democrat After 40 Years of Control

March 5, 2014 by Jonathan S. · 63 Comments

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After refusing to register their previously legal firearms, Connecticut gun owners are now showing that they are voters as well, and they will never forget how anti-gun Democrats took away their gun rights.
In a district that was held under a Democrat’s control for 40 years, a Republican who is outspokenly pro-gun has won Connecticut’s 53rd district.
Gun control proponents have touted that pro-gun candidates simply could not win elections after the Sandy Hook shootings. But it’s the restrictive gun control laws which do nothing to stop criminals from obtaining guns and everything to infringe on 2nd amendment rights that have awoken angry voters who are tired of their rights being taken away.
According to,
Although Democrats and progressives have claimed politicians who oppose gun control will lose their offices at the hands of angry, pro-gun control Americans in coming elections, a pro-gun Republican just won in Connecticut. It is the first time a Republican has held the seat in 40 years.
Samuel Belsito won the Connecticut State Legislature’s 53rd District in a special election to replace Democrat representative Bryan Hurlburt.
Belsito’s election runs 100% counter to the argument that pro-gun positions will hurt politicians. For example, Belsito won although he made it clear he would have opposed the recent body of gun control legislation that passed in Connecticut.
Republican Samuel Belsito won the special election to replace Democrat Bryan Hurlburt who resigned his job to take another job for the US Dept. of Agriculture.
Belsito said that he would have voted no on the recent gun control bill that passed in Connecticut.
“I would have voted ‘no’,” Horn told The Hartford Courant, adding “Even though they say it is just registration, I don’t think that’s the end of it.
“Every day I was out knocking on doors, I would get at least one person who was really ticked off about the gun bill,” he recalled. “There were an awful lot of people, including Democrats, who are really ticked off about the gun bill — and the budget.”
The defeat of an anti-gun candidate flies in the face of what gun grabbers have been saying. Pro-gun candidates are not supposed to able to win elections here, especially in a state that has been overwhelmed with anti-gun agendas.
This election transcends whether or not the candidate was a Republican or Democrat. It was a vote against any who would attempt to limit constitutional and God-given rights of self-protection.
This referendum is a clear reminder that any lawmakers who attempt to push through more gun control also risk losing their jobs. And if that’s true in Connecticut, it can be true anywhere in the US.
Let’s face it. Obama is after your guns and he is willing to use executive order to accomplish this task. This free video reveals “3 secret loopholes” to defeat Obama’s gun confiscation schemes for good. CLICK HERE. (Sponsored ad)