Congress has spent this year following the Obama-Pelosi Policy Atlas (OPPA)

A Return To Prosperty Is Light-Years Away We Follow Obama’s Ultra-Left Road

By Online
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
By Elaine Chao

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Recession-weary Americans want nothing more than to get back on the road to Prosperity. Unfortunately, Congress has spent this year following the Obama-Pelosi Policy Atlas — OPPA, for short.

Unfortunately, all the road maps in that atlas lead, not to Prosperity, but to the derelict towns of Lost Jobs and Delayed Recovery.

The OPPA-preferred route starts in Protectionism, and tells you to take a hard left at Higher Taxes as you speed on to Higher Spending. Don’t miss that head-spinning left at Global Warming or the dizzying spiral of loopy lefts approaching Health Care.

Continuing on this route, Americans will find themselves mired in high unemployment and rising taxes. Even the kids in the back seat are upset. After all, this trip’s been financed on their future credit, and they’re not thrilled about being saddled with trillions of dollars in additional debt.

It’s no way for our nation to get to Economic Recovery and Job Growth — the places we really need to go.

The OPPA route is nothing new. It follows the decades-old liberal agenda on trade, health care, global warming and mass unionization. That agenda has never brought prosperity to workers.

Consider trade protectionism. It’s been tried — and found wanting — since the Great Depression. Smoot and Hawley ginned up The Tariff Act of 1930 to get America back to work after the Stock Market Crash of ’29. Instead, it destroyed trade so effectively that by 1932, American exports to Europe were just a third of what they had been in 1929. World trade fell two-thirds as other nations retaliated. Jobs evaporated.

Unfortunately, Mr. Obama’s first big initiative — the stimulus bill — contained protectionist “Buy Americanâ€