Unconstitutional, buy-off-their-union-friends, Nationalized Health Care Bill

Democrats in Congress: Pass The Health Care Bill At Your Own Peril

By Ron Ewart
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Americans are already mad, but if the Democrats in Congress shove this unconstitutional, buy-off-their-union-friends, Nationalized Health Care Bill down the collective throats of free Americans, we can’t predict the level of the unintended consequences, or the fierce backlash that will result.

There should be multiple lawsuits brought before the U. S. Supreme Court to strike down this unconscionable and unconstitutional Democrat power grab.

50 states should declare their sovereign rights under the 9th and 10th Amendments, thumb their noses at an arrogant federal government that is hopelessly out of control and refuse to implement any provision of the Health Care Bill. Obama care should be DOA in every state legislature in America.

Employers, at every level, and en masse, should vehemently resist this take over of the free market and refuse to participate in any manner, on behalf of their employees.

Insurance companies should tell the federal government to go to Hell and stop all insurance coverage in protest, until the government capitulates to the will of a free people.

Doctors and other health care providers should cease providing any coverage to anyone, until the Federal Government cries uncle and backs down.

The people should immediately, where they can, resist this usurpation of power and stop paying their taxes until the U. S. Congress undoes what it has done in the name of United Nations socialism, in their un-relentless quest for plenary power under an Absolute Democrat Monarchy. The people also need to throw (vote) as many of these irresponsible bums out in 2010, as they can.

Huge protest groups and tea parties should descend upon all local, state and federal political offices and seats of power, demanding that the president, congress, state and local governments return to their enumerated limitations under the U. S. Constitution, or suffer the wrath of outraged Americans, where all levels of rebellion are distinctly possible.

Doctors, nurses, clinics and hospitals are not slaves to the government, that must buckle under any government health care whim. The American people are not the serfs of the government, they are sovereign and tell the government what to do under the strict interpretation of the Supreme Law of the Land, not the other way around. Corporations do not have to obey clearly unconstitutional legislation, passed by politicians whose only desire is to remain in perpetual power by using the money from our public treasury to buy votes and to use class warfare as the means to implement that power.

Should the American people roll over and absorb this unconstitutional and dictatorial control over their lives, they can no longer call themselves Americans. They are just shameless, weak sheep and every man or woman who sacrificed their lives, their limbs and their minds in the defense of our freedom for the last 233 years, will have been stomped on, disparaged and thrown in the garbage pit of forgotten dreams, in a country who could not hold onto its freedom because of the human weakness that makes men beg for a free lunch that they know isn’t free and people in government who have the power to steal from one group and hand it over to another, to complete the arrangement.

For God’s sake Americans, stand up and tell Washington DC to go to Hell. Tell them we will not obey their unconstitutional laws. Tell them that if they keep it up, we will exercise our right and duty as laid out clearly in the Declaration of Independence, written by men who pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor in the defense of freedom.

Watch this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZ7968Bb ... re=related about an American who gave it all, at an incalculable risk to himself and then look in the mirror and tell your self you did all you could to preserve, protect and defend American freedom for you, your children and your grand children. If you can’t, then look away from the mirror in shame and join the others in our midst who lack the courage to right a wrong when they see it. What government is doing, in so many areas, is absolutely wrong and it must be righted, at any cost, or freedom is dead and will remain dead well into the foreseeable future, if not forever.

To the Democrats in Congress: If you pass legislation that will essentially nationalize the American Health Care industry, as you seem Hell bent on doing, be prepared for an unprecedented, angry and potentially violent backlash from the tens of millions of Americans who still believe that they are sovereign individuals with certain unalienable rights, as a gift from their creator, not from government. You have no right or constitutional authority to violate, or take away that sovereignty, or take one step into their private lives.

You have lost all honor, you violate your oath of office to preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States and you commit a criminal act against the people. From the perspective of those millions of Americans, you should at the very least be removed from office and then tried and convicted of high treason. If you pass this legislation, it will be the last straw of tyranny and Americans should be free to take any action they deem necessary to re-claim their freedom and their individual sovereignty, with full authority to do so granted by their natural rights and those rights codified into law in our two founding documents of freedom ..... the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution.
