Puppets on a String
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by One Pissed-off Vietnam Vet

Do we have enough pawns, knights, and bishops to defeat the "king" and his "unemployables?"

(Sep. 27, 2011) — So you’re playing chess, and it’s your opponent’s move, and he’s nervous ‘cause in six moves he’s history, but what’s going on? He’s reaching over, moves one of your pawns and removes your queen from the board. What the?! It’s like this, he explains: your pawn turned on you, he changed sides, he was tired of being left behind, he had a change of heart, he’s really a Socialist, and even we both know he doesn’t know a Socialist from a Socialite. He’s on my side now and you just lost your queen, mate in two.

Nowadays, conquering a civilized country is really a piece of cake, and if you’re thinking about taking over a place, here’s how you do it. First, teach the kids that hard work, honesty and The Golden Rule are for suckers. Then teach them that sloth and disgrace are nothing to be ashamed of; heck, it’s not your fault you’re nothing but a lazy bum. After all, you’re doing your job making the do-gooders feel as if they’re accomplishing something by taking care of you, so you are really an integral part of the success of the welfare state, perpetually unemployed, one of the “unemployables,â€