Liberals have maxed out the Race Card and it must now be revoked

Race Card Overuse Syndrome

By Joy Tiz Monday, April 5, 2010

Dear Race Baiters,

Please be advised that your Race Card account has been closed. This decision was based on your account history of excessive over-limit spending. Please destroy your card immediately as it will no longer be honored.

The American People

No president in history came to office with more political capital than Barack Obama. He squandered it like a lottery winner within a few months. If liberals had any sense of irony, they would appreciate the inanity of braying about racism right after America elected a black president.

Obama’s entire life has been devoted to fomenting racial animus. All of his mentors, from the rancid racist and surrogate father, Frank Marshall Davis to Fan of Farrakhan, Jeremiah Wright, have been rabid, whitey despising racists. ... all-davis/

In his fictional “autobiographyâ€