They say that illegals aren't covered, (LIE) and if an amendment is passed to exclude them, but they don't tell you they will give them all AMNESTY, then insure them.

They want to welcome Puerto Rico as a state NOW, and that's to add gracious little Democrats to there belts...

They say you can keep your insurance, (LIE) but they don't tell you that they will bribe the company you work for to drop you all and THEN YOU have to go on Government care.

Yes, these are the double-speak crooks voted into run the country!
We all know they spin everything like, "We only lost 700,000 jobs this month!
That's 100,00 less than the month before therefore we are coming out of this Recession" ?????

Their agenda is to RUIN America and Capitalism in favor of the Socialist example in Europe, THAT DOESN'T WORK!!!!!!!!!!!
Spread The Wealth is spread among the whole world, not America.

He is giving all our money away to crooks and terrorist countries and then saying we have no money to fund Healthcare? Then he is bringing lawless, Jew-Haters in Palestine(Hamas) here!

They say the Stimulus is working yet only 8% was spent when they said it?(LIE)

They do it because we are a gullible people and assume the President is a good person and would NEVER LIE!! How many does he have to be caught saying before you wake up???

"America is not a Christian Nation."(LIE) COME ON!!!!

"America is the largest Muslim Nation."(LIE) COME ON!!!

"The AARP is also on with our Healthcare bill"

I have to throw this one in also, "I was born in a hospital in Hawaii." (Yet 1 hospital claims it and Obama mistakenly for his career wrote a memo to another hospital claiming he was born there???) WTF?

Don't take anything Obama says at face value because after he is caught in a LIE he simply says, "I misspoke ...." ) And YOU believe him?