Joe Klein, Liberals do like to lie by omission

The Real Definition of Sedition That Liberals Don’t Want You To Know

By J.J. Jackson
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Watch out all you who dare to speak up against our government in Washington as those at the reins of power are snatching up every last bit of control they can! You are the dangerous ones. Worse yet, you are committing a crime in the eyes of leftists like Joe Klein. That’s right, folks, your talk is dangerous and borders on sedition, which people like Klein are all too eager to warn, is a felony and that you could be hauled off to jail for engaging in.

Well, yeah ... that’s half right, which is typical for brain-dead types like this who frankly cannot win an argument, so they resort to making things up as they go along. Gee, seems like I just wrote an article about this not more than a couple weeks ago! Remember? I highlighted how liberals are more than willing to make things up. In that article I cited humorous and made up quotes from our founding fathers they sent me just to justify their opinions. Well, add Mr. Klein to that list as he is apparently scared crapless that people are daring to stand up to his Lord high Messiah and His disciples in Washington

Here is the rambling, bumbling, stumbling that Joe Klein actually spouted on this issue. And I quote, “I did a little bit of research just before this show - it’s on this little napkin here. I looked up the definition of sedition which is conduct or language inciting rebellion against the authority of the state. And a lot of these statements, especially the ones coming from people like Glenn Beck and to a certain extent Sarah Palin, rub right up close to being seditious.â€