With Barack Obama in the Oval Office, suddenly things are different
December 21, 2010

Whatever happened to 'Dissent is the highest form of patriotism'?

Thomas Lifson

Remember when Democrats opposed to the war in Iraq became furious when it was pointed out that they were encouraging the enemy? Remember when Harry Reid said "This war is lost"? "How dare you challenge my patriotism?" was the cry of outrage heard throughout the land. "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" went the axiom.

With Barack Obama in the Oval Office, suddenly things are different. In today's Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Pulitzer Prize winning columnist and former editorial page editor Cynthia Ticker blatant calls Republican opponents of the START Treaty unpatriotic:

I am not holding my breath for liberals who screamed about patriotic dissent to point out to Ms. Tucker that she is making the lowest possible argument. Where is the "no Labels" group on this? Isn't "unpatriotic" a nasty label?

http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/201 ... ent_i.html