Here is the link:

Notice how the article doesn't have much information?

They report
The nonprofit for healthcare consumers says coverage costs are an increasing burden on families.
Uh, the illegals are an increasing burden on familes, why didn't you report that WRAL?

Apparently this is world class reporting aye?
Nobody with the guts to investigate the reasons for the slow wage increases and the huge health insurance increase.
No, they might have to find out and report something so appauling it might cause a ruckess. Dang, I bet if they actually reported anything that puts some blame on illegals they might be boycotted or sued by La Raza or one of Obama's thug groups. This has to be the best report and explaination I've ever read, real deep reporting on the facts.
What good is it to give us the eye buldging facts, without the reasons why.
Inquiring minds want to know!

Wages increased 18% total in the last 10 years.
NC has a lot of illegal immigrants.
I'll bet you the increases in wages were in Healthcare or Government.
I'll bet you the wages that increased 18% over the last 10 years actually rose in between 1999 and 2005.
I'll bet you the last 4 years of that study will show overall wages have decreased in the last 4 years.

Of course nobody wants to talk about why wages are down. Could it be from illegal and legal immigration and outsourcing had brought wages down?

Gee, I'll bet the years before the illegals showed up the Healthcare and Health insurance never went up that fast.
And, you'd think if the population hadn't gone up massively the increases would be much less, but not when you have millions more using the healthcare system and not paying for it. That makes for a perfect recipe for the ones paying for insurance to go way up doesn't it?

This is a report to make people mad that health insurance has skyrocketed while being Politically Correct and ignoring the facts of why so they will ignorantly be mad at the insurance companies although they probably bare some resposiblity, but not all. We need the other responsible parties to be reported on as well. Where are the other facts WRAL? DO YOUR JOB. . It is a PC hit article, or paragraph, it really isn't even an article.

It just ain't right.