By Greg Evensen
November 1, 2009

Most of us have been in this tragic position before. It feels something like that slow, heavy walk that we experience as we approach the front door of the funeral home. The anticipation of walking through that door into a room that reeks of death is a soul chilling moment that is never forgotten.

The statements, the warnings, the what if’s, and how can they do that situations are thousands upon thousands across America. The personal injuries heaped on the heads of true Americans at the border, in the city streets, by apostate church leaders, from judges at all levels, to the arrogant bureaucrats that run our lives and could fill the Library of Congress if printed, are ABSOLUTE proof that the Republic is dead.

There is no one left to turn to for relief from an onslaught that would have been a declared war had it come from another country. We as a nation of citizens, have been brutalized so badly by criminals inside the government, that we could have easily justified the use of deadly force to beat back the pillaging of our homes and communities. And diabolically, this has been done by the very people who were allowed a seat of power over us by our own vote.

The ongoing war for liberty is being waged on a thousand fronts. City and county governments have been persuaded by government agents to buy into Agenda 21 at all levels and adopt the radical environmentalist agenda. These local maniacs have done so eagerly. They revel in the appearance of solidarity both socially and politically with those who want to see swamp dwelling muskrats be able to retain attorneys should their habitat be threatened. Utterly blind deceit and a spirit of delusion reigns. Churches and cities have joined in efforts to provide illegal aliens (illegal here meaning ILLEGAL) “sanctuaryâ€