Resign! Repeal! Renew!

The salvation of America now depends on forcing President Barack Obama to resign, repealing the appalling healthcare bill that is now the law of the land, and renewing a full measure of financial prudence to the conduct of the nation’s public affairs and obligations.

The numbers are now irrefutable. The huge debt the United States faces, along with the collapse of Social Security (now paying out more than it takes in) and Medicare, will sink our ship of state unless reversed, and quickly.

The deadly trio of Obama, Pelosi and Reid, along with the brain-dead Democrats in Congress threaten the very existence of the nation. I am concerned that waiting until the November elections will be to wait too long. I no longer believe their agenda to be merely partisan politics. I believe theirs is a deliberate effort to destroy the nation.

The practical actions that must be pursued as soon as possible include a legal challenge to the president’s place of birth, an effort he has reportedly fought with an expenditure exceeding a million dollars. A challenge must be made to the healthcare bill which legal scholars deem to be clearly unconstitutional.

The trio cited is preparing to pass a Cap-and-Trade act, a huge tax on all energy use, and an amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. The result of this will be to create a surge of more illegals and an even greater burden on all public services and welfare programs.

Porter Stanford, publisher of an investment advisory, has issued a frightening analysis. “My concern is the U.S. already has more debt than it can afford, which puts it at an enormous risk of a debt and currency collapse.â€