I emailed this guy about outsourcing our jobs: Should I respond to him again, or let it die?

His response:

Thanks for your note, but I can’t tell if you’re agreeing with me or disagreeing with me. The reasons why companies move jobs offshore are many, and you really have to look at each case to get a clear picture. We don’t encourage our members to move, but we certainly can see economic circumstances that might not give them a lot of choice.

My comments really related to the other part of the picture – how does America stay ahead of our competition in the midst of all this? I suggested we do it, in part, by making sure we’re running faster than the other guys – that we’re out-innovating and out-competing them.

We need to do that with smart people, wherever we can find them. I was really celebrating the fact that this country has been built on the brains and backs of immigrants – my mother, my father’s father, and, I imagine, some of your ancestors as well. I don’t think we should throw that away now.

My email to him

To: breinsch@nftc.org
Subject: Innovation?

You said:

Bill Reinsch, president of the National Foreign Trade Council, whose members include such big U.S. companies as Boeing and Microsoft.

He warned the world's largest economy could lose its lead as a center of global innovation over the next 20 years because U.S. entry requirements are discouraging foreigners from visiting the United States and encouraging companies to relocate operations overseas.

Sir, no one in American business or our government wants to hear from the American workers!

We have lost over 3 million manufacturing jobs, due to outsourcing! Many American workers find manufacturing products, satisfying and should be able to do the work they enjoy...but our government and rich business owners, only want more money....they are either outsourcing our jobs, or they are lobbying for more Visa workers......all which include, cheaper labor!

American workers no longer have a voice in our futures! President Bush says we have to learn new skills...what for? Those too will be outsourced!

Millions of Americans believe our business owners, our government are the ones that are ruining our innovation, our future and our right to obtain a good paying job in any field. Many college students say they will not plan a career in the high tech fields, due to this outsourcing or new Visa workers...and who can blame them?

American's cannot compete with foreign countries, whose pay scale is pennies an hour! Bill Gates lobbys for more Visa workers, yet it's been reported those foreign workers are paid $13,000 less than the American workers!

I've read, that several of our high tech workers will no longer return to a job, where they know they will lose it soon. Some are actually driiving trucks, but that may too, be over with Bush's plan of Mexican truck drivers coming in our Country!

Does anyone really care about our citizens? Our workers? No, it's a race to see how much money can be made off the backs of slave labor!

America is already gone down the tubes. My question is, Once most Americans are out of work, who do our business owners think will buy their products?

Our auto industry now uses parts made in cheap labor countries, yet they bring them back here and sell them at the same high ticket price, as when Americans made them!

I believe that soon, you may start seeing Americans rioting in the streets, like they do in foreign countries, because they no longer have a voice, no longer can provide for their families and feel betrayed by their own!