Reuters: CAIR Says They 'Feel Left Out' of 2008 Election

By Warner Todd Huston | February 4, 2008 - 06:16 ET
Proving once again in good European form that they think nothing American is democratic, good or fair, Reuters gives us a pity party for CAIR who is whining that they "feel left out" of the 2008 presidential elections. With the headline blaring "Some non-Christians feel left out of election," Reuters gives us a tale of woe guaranteed to make Europeans shake their heads knowingly that we Americans are really just Christian nuts out to oppress all minorities. One does wonder, however, how CAIR would like it if Muslims did become a focus of the 2008 elections? In light of current events it is doubtful if such a focus would be favorable to them, so, were I them, I'd be happy no one is paying attention to them!

In a U.S. election campaign where presidential candidates from both major parties have talked openly about their Christian faith, some non-Christians feel shut out or turned off.

Listen, this is a majority Christian nation and anyone wanting to get elected is naturally going to talk as closely as possible to that majority. This country is still over 75% Christian, so it is a logical presumption that citizens whose religion represents only a few percentage points would not be a focus of a politician's efforts!

But not being a focus does not equate to oppression or their rights being squelched, it must be pointed out.

And here we go with the tsk tsking:

"Non-Christians are concerned that they will be excluded from the process," said Ahmed Rehab, a spokesman with the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

Naturally, Reuters gives the perpetual whiners in CAIR the upfront chance to let Europe know how disappointed they are that America is so hateful. Where, though, is the American Buddhist organization that is constantly "concerned" that Americans will "exclude" them from the process? Nowhere to be seen. No, it turns out that the "some non-Christians" end up being mostly just CAIR to so many in the MSM.

First of all, we can use the "some" convention to substantiate any claim. I could write a story that says "some" people don't believe the Earth is round and be 100% accurate in the claim. But that won't mean that my "some" is a significant number of people, nor that it makes the claim that the Earth is flat correct -- or even that it might be correct.

Secondly, we should all remember that CAIR has been outed as having less than 2,000 members nationwide. As the Washington Times reported last year, "The number of reported members spiraled down from more than 29,000 in 2000 to fewer than 1,700 in 2006. As a result, the Muslim rights group's annual income from dues dropped from $732,765 in 2000, when yearly dues cost $25, to $58,750 last year, when the group charged $35."

Estimates of the Muslim population of the US ranges between 2 and 4 million. This being the case, why do we continually pay such undue attention to a group that doesn't even represent a significant number of its own people?

Then Reuters gives us the secularist's canard that only recently has religion been a factor in the race for the White House.

In recent decades, part of the American political drama has been scripted by the "religious right" -- mostly white evangelical Protestants united by strong opposition to abortion and gay marriage who have been a key base of support for the Republican Party.

"In recent decades, part of the American political drama has been scripted by the 'religious right'"? Actually, religion has always been an important factor in elections. Thomas Jefferson was railed against as the atheist candidate and, if you'll recall, he was only our third president! The only reason the "religious right" has had a higher profile in the last few decades is because the left has completely abandoned normal, American religious principle forcing religious Americans to get more involved in politics. Before that, religion was a normal, important aspect of the American political decision making process.

For Reuters to act as if the "religious right" is altogether a new phenomenon is ridiculous, but fits in nicely with the secular left's attempts to make it seem as if religion is somehow "new" and un-American in connection with the American political scene.

And here is more Reuters scaremongering on behalf of CAIR:

A false rumor that has circulated on the Internet about Democratic candidate Barack Obama, whose father was Kenyan, is that he is Muslim who has lied about his religion. The rumor appears to illustrate the importance some voters attach to a candidate being Christian.

Give me a break, will you? The only reason anyone is alarmed about Barack Hussein Obama's Muslim background is because of a little thing we like to call the Islamofascist attacks on 9/11/01! If Islamists had not attacked us that terrible day, Obama's Muslim background would be of passing interest and little else. The fear of Obama's Muslim past reflects our suspicion of a self avowed enemy, one that has killed thousands of Americans, not a hate of anything non-Christian!

No, it looks to me like this Reuters piece is all just an opportunity to scold Christian Americans that they are too religious, too intolerant, too mean-spirited and too evil. Good thing Islam is given a pass, though, eh?


"Non-Christians are
February 4, 2008 - 07:04 ET by motherbelt
"Non-Christians are concerned that they will be excluded from the

Uh, no they won't. If they are citizens, they can vote just like everyone else.

What Rehab means is that they want to be pandered to like every other minority group.

I don't CAIR about them
February 4, 2008 - 07:25 ET by ArchConservative
I'm glad that CAIR is getting the short shrift. I hope that they go into oblivion like the terrorist organization that they are. These people are people who cheered on 9/11. These are people who want sharia law over US law (it's happening in Europe already). And I agree with the last poster: if they are (legal) US citizens they can vote like everyone else. But I bet I know that they would vote overwhelmingly for the (d)emocrat candidate because ObamaClinton would bow and crumble to whatever they want.

You support the troops by supporting the mission! If you don't support the mission, have the guts to say you don't support the troops.

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People who hate America ...
February 4, 2008 - 07:25 ET by gideonmjames
... feel left out of the political process ... excellent ... democracy is actually working.

Here's a few quotes :

If the good men are silent only the wicked are heard.

If the good men are silent the wicked will make the law of the land.

If the good men are silent the wicked will gather and the corrupt will rule the land.

If the good men speak with all boldness and fearlessness the righteous will govern.

If the wicked are silent then truth is prevailing and justice can rule.


All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for enough good men to do nothing.

Democracy fails when the good men are silent.

For truth to prevail the good men MUST speak boldly, fearlessly, and unceasingly.

Truth prevails only when the good men speak boldly, fearlessly, and without hesitation.

Democracy becomes a dictatorship when the good men are silent.


When the wicked are heard democracy ceases to function.

Democracy is dictatorship when the good men are silent.

We cannot but speak the things which we have seen, and heard, and know of God.

It is only the despot that would seek to silence what the Truth has to say.

In a liberal democracy it is only the Truth that will be attacked and villified.

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BTW, Warner, who picked
February 4, 2008 - 08:04 ET by motherbelt
BTW, Warner, who picked that photo??

I would want that guy left out of everything!!

My guess is CAIR wants the camel's nose in the tent to start pushing their agenda on the US political process. They are already working locally in places to get footbaths here and there, "prayer rooms" in public schools, along with food concesssions and other concessions during Ramadan. In a suburb of Chicago, they now have the Adhan (call to prayer) broadcast over loudspeakers five times a day. My guess is that they want to take their quest national.

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Motherbelt, That is the
February 4, 2008 - 08:08 ET by Warner Todd Huston

That is the famous "Muslim rage boy." He shows at every anti-western protest in Kashmi. The News wires love him.

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CAIR can go to Saudi Arabia.
February 4, 2008 - 07:43 ET by rbosque
CAIR can go to Saudi Arabia. There they'll have the majority and be happy. So will we.

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February 4, 2008 - 07:49 ET by Snooper
As far as I am concerned, CAIR is the enemy and need to evicted and run out of town on a rail.

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Poor CAIR!
February 4, 2008 - 08:56 ET by RMR
Poor CAIR. After Imams in Muslim countries go out of their way to accommodate Christians in their midst ( Remember that poor soul in Afghnistan that converted to Christianity? Well, they allowed him to live, and all he had to do was plead insanity. Now that's caring) you mean, mean Americans hold your elections and ignore CAIR.

No one expect you to rip people limb-from-limb , or unleash a squad of suicide-bombers. But how about setting fire to your barbeque every now and then? I assure you that simple gesture will not only show how much you "CAIR", but will help bridge-the-gap, and inspire change.

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A Place for Everyone
February 4, 2008 - 08:53 ET by V the K
There is a place for secularists and agnostics in our political system. It's called 'Europe.'

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Warner, has Islamic Rage Boy
February 4, 2008 - 09:18 ET by Roger the Shrubber
Warner, has Islamic Rage Boy officially endorsed anybody yet?

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From the way he looks, I'd
February 4, 2008 - 09:24 ET by Warner Todd Huston
From the way he looks, I'd say he's yelling "Obama, Obama!"

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Why would CAIR feel left
February 4, 2008 - 10:58 ET by mattm
Why would CAIR feel left out when one of the most prominent candidates is B. HUSSEIN OBAMA...he's their guy...

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you got that right matt
February 4, 2008 - 11:19 ET by candance
B. Hussein Obama emphasizes his Christian church here in the States, but when he visits Africa and Europe he puts the emphasis on his Muslim background.

I have some friends who live in England - one lady said everyone over there wanted Obama to win because America needed a Muslim president to unite the world. When I told her Obama claimed to be a Christian she was flabbergasted.

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I'm flabbergasted that
February 4, 2008 - 11:24 ET by Warner Todd Huston
I'm flabbergasted that anyone thinks Obama would make a good president at all.... Muslim or not. Of course, on second thought, maybe I'm not surprised when a European thinks they'd like Obama as our president. They'd root for anyone that would take the USA down a notch or three.

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Warner: Nearly all of
February 4, 2008 - 12:34 ET by BD

Nearly all of Obamas speeches boil down to one thing. Hoping for hope and for hopes sake.

When I was a young cadet I was taught a valuable lesson by a grizzled old sergeant. That being "Hope is not a method."

Shortly after learning that lesson, statements that used to come out of my mouth such as "I hope the enemy attacks the way I predicted" ceased.

I would love to see a debate between my old sergeant and Barack Obama....

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They Dont't
February 4, 2008 - 16:08 ET by PAPA L
They don't but Klintton would be much worse!!!!!! And I agree however she would be better than Mc Whats his name. That leaves only one button to push at this time, ROMNEY!! BTW I'm an Independent. I could puke at the thought of voting for McCain. I left the Republican party over the Amnesty bill. AMERICA FIRST!!!!!!!!


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February 4, 2008 - 14:28 ET by greenfairie
I don't CAIR.

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Just be glad you're not in the U.K.
February 4, 2008 - 14:58 ET by ironchefofmunchies
Before you think it's a bad thing that nobody is pandering to Muslims in the U.S. presidential election, read this: ... fit103.xml

In the U.K. now, the state will pay MULTIPLE benefits for people with multiple wives. Now who would fall into that category??

Do we really want to go this route too? ... 8-election