Reverse-Birther Leverage, Part 2
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by William Lolli, ©2011

Marco Rubio was born in Florida in 1975 to two Cuban immigrant parents who were not yet naturalized, but the Republican Party is ignoring his non-natural born Citizen status

(Jul. 14, 2011) — The Republican Party Leadership and their MSM acolytes don’t know it yet, but they are setting themselves up as willfully ignorant participants in the further erosion of the US Constitution, as well as the possible implosion of our political system.

The Republican establishment, many TEA Party activists, and neo-con rank & files are all giddy with 2012 anticipation, as it appears that the Vice Presidential nominee has already been given the nod by the broadest spectrum of conservative politicos.

Marco Rubio is without doubt the darling child on the 2012 horizon. He is conservative, smart, articulate, principled, and can handle himself with senatorial equanimity in and out of a debate environment.

The July 11 edition of Hannity presented a segment with Dick Morris, where both host and guest gushed over the probability of Rubio being the VP-pick of any candidate who wins the Republican nomination.

The Birther Community, on the other hand, had an alarmingly negative, backside cattle-prod reaction for the simple reason that Marco Rubio is Article II, Section 1 ineligible to the POTUS office.

As has been pointed out elsewhere on the internet, Marco Rubio, born on US soil in 1971, was born to foreign [Cuban exile] parents. Marco’s father Mario did not apply for Naturalized Citizenship until 1975, four years after Marco was born. Thus, without two citizen parents, Marco Rubio is not Natural Born. Marco Rubio is a citizen, for certain, as the 14th Amendment and elsewhere are clear about the positive law process of naturalization-at-birth for children born on the soil; but Natural Born, he is not.

A copy of Mario Rubio’s September 1975 Petition for Naturalization can be viewed here.

The Birther Community are not the only ones interested in the fact that there is a Constitutionally blind love-affair with Rubio; has also addressed and taken advantage of the issue, alleging the if the Birthers ‘go after’ Rubio for his unconstitutional qualifications, it “provesâ€