BREAKING NEWS! Shocking evidence that Ron Paul is NOT a pacifist!
Posted February 9th, 2008 by acmegeek
Contrary to what has been printed in many newspapers and heralded from many news reports, campaign researchers have discovered that Ron Paul is not personally a pacifist. Pacifists can be said to be those vehemently opposed to war or the use of force as a tool to resolve conflict. In many of his recorded speeches, he has been found to absolutely approve of war. Even more shocking, is that when you listen to him tell it truthfully, he is also not an isolationist as it has been widely reported.

Dr. Ron Paul, who proudly served in the Air Force, personally believes that war can be and should be justified in many cases. Unfortunately for many of his critics, he strongly maintains that he relies heavily and often exclusively on the Constitution to direct his attitude and policies toward war and relationships with foreign countries.

Much to the dismay of his "conservative" opponents and other opponents, Ron Paul is also very much what many would call a "gun nut". He believes that you, a regular person, an American citizen, should have the right to own and use weaponry, even something as extreme as an assault weapon, in order to be able to defend yourself against any real threat including the your government.

Further evidence of his support of war is his support of a fiercely superior national defense system. Most telling of his support for a strong military is the recently revealed fact that the U.S. military as whole has donated more money to his campaign that all the other candidates combined, Democrats AND Republicans!

Ron Paul is adamantly against any policy, action, or individual that weakens our national defense capabilities by diluting our strength through distracting involvements in ill-conceived and ill-planned entanglements. He is equally against any preemptive acts of war and instead would focus our strength on diplomatic negotiations.

Ron Paul is just as adamantly for any declared war against any who would demonstrably and sufficiently provoke us to the point of self-defense.

So who among you would vote for such a radical candidate? Do we really want or need someone who believes in strong national defense, a humble foreign policy, constitutionally declared wars, and a plain and simple right to bear arms? Surely this kind of candidate would not fit in with the current Republican Party.

It is clear to see that this rather revolutionary candidate unashamedly stands by ideals that are just so, well, conservative?

Again, I ask, who among you would dare to vote for someone like this? Someone who has a long history of saying the exact same thing over and over. Someone who unswervingly sticks to principles that are hundreds of years old.

I know I have, am, and will. Ron Paul is the ONLY true conservative still running for president. If any of this information contradicts anything else you may have read or been told, I and the rest of the Ron Paul Revolution welcome your efforts to research Ron Paul and find otherwise.