[Listen] Limbaugh's Baracka Claus Song


From Rush Limbaugh:

Food stamps surged by the most in a year in the two months prior to the election. All-time record. A delayed release of information. The regime withheld information on food stamp usage.

You know, the Republican Party could always use better candidates, but that being said, what kind of candidate overcomes this? "Obama's USDA delayed release of a shockingly huge surge in food stamp usage." Here are the numbers. Obama delayed releasing information revealing a record-breaking monthly increase from July to August of 421,000. That's almost 10,000 new food stamp recipients per state in a single month, 421,000 new food stamp users. They all voted Obama, folks, I guarantee you. We now have a culture that will vote itself a lifestyle it is unwilling to earn. And that's cruel.

[Listen] Limbaugh's Baracka Claus Song