Rush: Obama Was Elected on a Fraudulent Series of Promises

Posted on November 4, 2013 by BMartin1776

What Rush leaves out is that these republicans that came out against Cruz and Lee are progressives. Progressives republicans are no different from progressive democrats, both bent on the fundamental destruction of the US. So this is why “our side” never uses the same standards against emperor obama.

The other problems with “our side” is that they insist time and again to play nice, getting bloody noses from the left because they don’t want to stoop to the lefts level.

One thing for sure you can get from all of this to date is Ted Cruz WAS RIGHT! The regime thinks they can get away with blaming insurance companies but the fact of the matter is they are cutting people from their pans to be in compliance with the law the regime rammed through Congress in the dark of night!