All in all, November 2, 2010 may be a terrific day for celebrating the retreat of Marxism from the halls of the U.S. Congress!

Salivating at the Thought of Democrat Concession Speeches in 2010!

By John Lillpop Friday, October 30, 2009


With mid-term elections just slightly more than a year from now, 2010 may be one of the most satisfying years since 1994 for practicing conservatives.

To begin with, conservatives, or at least Republicans, should be able to take government out of the hands of reckless liberals, especially in the U.S. House.

What a celebration there will be if the GOP is able to send Nancy Pelosi back to the swamp from whence she came! Said swamp, by the way, even more polluted today than when the bug eyed knot head from San Francisco took over with her foolish promise to “drain the swamp.â€