By Larry Pratt
March 26, 2011

Wyoming residents no longer have to seek permission from state officials to exercise their Second Amendment rights now that Governor Matt Mead signed a constitutional carry bill into law this month.

This comes as welcome news to gun rights activists who treasure our constitutional freedoms.

After all, America has come a long way from its 17th century founding. Massachusetts and Virginia used to have laws requiring travelers to be armed. In Massachusetts, congregants had to be armed.

That all changed, though, over the next couple of centuries when states began imposing massive amounts of gun control. These restrictions turned countless Americans into mandatory victims, and many innocent lives were lost as a result.

But now, we are ever so slowly inching our way back to removing the mountain of prohibitions on being armed in public. Prior to this year, three states had stopped requiring law-abiding citizens to first get a permit to carry firearms concealed in public. And now, legislators in Wyoming have added the Cowboy State to this growing list.

Constitutional carry is the term Gun Owners of America has applied to carrying firearms without getting prior approval from the government. It recognizes that the Second Amendment is serious when it says that our gun rights “shall not be infringed.â€