Saddam kept Iraq together. Iraq is Kurds, Sunni and Shiites first and Iraqis last. They lived and intermarried and was at peace together with jews and Christians and other religions and nationalities. Saddam had to be brutal in order to run the country. Still, he was not as brutal as the ones who want to bring democracy and out way of life to Iraq who do not know how to live in a democracy. Being Muslim is a way of life.
We are fighting terrorism in Iraq and Sunni and Shiites are fighting each other. This is a no win war, because we cannot bring the different facets together and the people in office in Iraq cannot do it either because the majority(Shiites) rule and they don’t really want to include the Shiites. The Kurds are already a separate people.
We have sent out troops to the terrorist to kill so they will not have to come here and kill us. They are being sacrificed. Bush is destroying America with illegal alien and trade and with wanting to unite Canada, Mexico and America into one country. God help us.