I just received an email that I immediately sent on to Mr. Obama - and I'm hoping that some of you will, as well. If he gets enough of these it might begin to sink in.

Mr. Obama,

About 40 million people over 50 are in the work force;
Pay them $1million dollars apiece severence with stipulations
1) They leave their jobs (40 million openings) - UNEMPLOYMENT FIXED
2) They buy NEW AMERICAN cars - 40 million cars ordered - AUTO INDUSTRY FIXED
3) They either buy a house or pay off their mortgage - HOUSING CRISIS FIXED
4) An 'illegal' can stay if he can prove two things:
a) - he owns a home
b) - he has a job and pays taxes

(This wasn't original, of course, with me - it came by email from an article in a paper in Florida asking people to make suggestions on how to solve the financial crisis - I added in #4 because I think it is at least as important as the lst 3.)