Obamacare supporters: Now we need a health care cost control bill

You have got to be kidding me. During the Obamacare debate, you would have been hard pressed to find a major news outlet that was a bigger cheerleader for Obamcare than the far left Washington Post. But in all its cheering, I never saw them mention the sharp rise in health care costs. Hmm…

From the Washington Post:

Five health policy wonks walk into a room and start talking about how to bend the health-care cost curve — stop us if you’ve heard this one before.

Plans to bend the health-care cost curve are pretty plentiful in the nation’s capital. Lots of think tanks and coalitions have plans to cut billions (even trillions) in health-care spending.

The Partnership for Sustainable Health Care argues it’s something different. The new alliance, which includes health plans, a hospital and consumer advocates, isn’t looking to bring fresh ideas to the debate. It recognizes this city has no shortage of think tank proposals.

Instead, the Partnership wants to start putting political muscle behind the ideas that already exist — and, after it does that, pass legislation that would control health-care costs in a way the Affordable Care Act doesn’t.

Read the Rest (Feel free not to give the WaPo the clicks)

Let me get this straight. Obamacare causes health care costs to rise drastically and the solution is not repeal but price control? Right. Because price controls work so well. Good grief. Even the NYT admitted that price controls for health care won’t work way back in 1993.

And yes, Washington Post, a monkey with a calculator could have predicted that Obamacare would raise the cost of healthcare. Why didn’t you? Or is it that you were you aware of it and decided not to report it because you wanted to see it passed? That seems fairly logical. In any case, the real way to lower health care costs has nothing to do with more government, and has everything to do with less of it. We must repeal Obamacare now.

For more media outlets that were shocked, shocked to learn that Obamacare raises costs, see The Daily Beast.
