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By Dr. Stanley Monteith
May 7, 2011

Last time, we discussed the origin of World War I. Cecil Rhodes, Alfred Milner, and most of the members of their cabal, were either Masons, or involved in other occult organizations. In addition, a German Mason told the Kaiser the Grand Orient Freemasonic lodge orchestrated the events that led up to the Great War.

I believe both groups were involved, but they were aided by leaders in other nations who were involved in the occult. [1]

What part did the Milner Group (Rhodes' secret society) play? Sir Edward Grey, the British Foreign Secretary, was closely affiliated with the Milner Group; he got Russia and France to sign secret agreements that committed them to join England if there was a major war in Europe. Several years later, when World War I was imminent, Sir Edward Grey denied the existence of the secret agreements because the Cabinet and the British people didn't want to be involved in a European war. [2]

Professor Quigley researched that period. He admired the idealistic goal of the Milner Group (the Cecil Bloc), but they weren't concerned about the consequences of their actions. Professor Quigley wrote (in his book, The Anglo-American Establishment):

"The second generation of the Cecil Bloc was famous at the time. . . . This group, flitting about from one great country house to another or from one spectacular social event to another in the town houses of their elders, has been preserved for posterity in the auto- biographical volumes of Margot Tennant Asquith. . . . "The frivolity of this group can be seen in Margot Tennant's statement that she obtained for Milner his appointment to the chairmanship of the Board of Inland Revenue in 1892 merely by writing to Balfour and asking for it after she had a too brief romantic interlude with Milner in Egypt. As a respected scholar of my acquaintance has said, this group did everything in a frivolous fashion including entering the Boer War and the First World War." [3]

Professor Quigley described the terrifying power of the Milner Group:

"The influence of Chatham House appears in its true perspective, not as the influence of an autonomous body but as merely one of many instruments in the arsenal of another power. When the influence which the Institute wields is combined with that controlled by the Milner Group in other fields - in education, in administration, in newspapers and periodicals - a really terrifying picture begins to emerge. This picture is called terrifying not because the power of the Milner Group was used for evil ends. It was not. On the contrary, it was generally used with the best intentions in the world - even if those intentions were so idealistic as to be almost academic. The picture is terrifying because such power, whatever the goals at which it may be directed, is too much to be entrusted safely to any group. . . . No country that values its safety should allow what the Milner Group accomplished in Britain - that is, that a small number of men should be able to wield such power in administration and politics, should be given almost complete control over the publication of the documents relating to their actions, should be able to exercise such influence over the avenues of information that create public opinion, and should be able to monopolize so completely the writing and the teaching of the history of their own period." [4]

Very little has changed since that time. Cecil Rhodes' secret society incited the Boer War and spawned the Milner Group (1902), the Milner Group spawned the Round Table Group (1909), the Round Table Group incited World War I and spawned the Royal Institute of International Affairs (1919) and the Council on Foreign Relations (1921), and the CFR and the RIIA spawned the Bilderberg Group in 1954, and the Trilateral Commission in 1973. At the present time the organizations (the CFR, the RIIA, the Bilderberg Group, and the TC), have "almost complete control over the publication of the documents relating to their actions," they "exercise . . . influence over the avenues of information that create public opinion," and they "monopolize . . . completely the writing and the teaching of the history of their own period." [5]

How did Sir Edward Grey precipitate the First World War? Kaiser Wilhelm wrote;

"Declasse also has a large share in the guilt for the World War, and Grey an even larger share, since he was the spiritual leader of the 'encirclement policy,' which he faithfully pushed forward and brought to completion." [6]

Dr. Dennis Cuddy researched that period, and wrote:

"June 28: Austrio-Hungarian archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated, and this serves as the catalyst for the beginning of World War I. On July 20 and 29, (1914 - ed) British secretary of state Sir Edward Grey ('close to the Milner Group politically, intellectually, and socially,' according to Prof. Quigley) will make certain statements to the German ambassador to England (Prince Karl Max Lichnowsky) that do not make it clear Britain will enter the conflict (World War I) if Germany goes to war." [7]

Sir Edward Grey devised the "encirclement policy" that led to World War I in 1905. He implemented the policy when he became Foreign Secretary in 1906, and he deceived the Kaiser in 1914 because Grey didn't want the Kaiser to mediate the dispute between Serbia and Austria. [8]

One of the best sources of information on the events that took place at that time is Ambassador Gerard's book, My First Eighty-three Years in America. James Gerard was U.S. Ambassador to Germany in 1914, and, although he wasn't aware of the covert agenda of the Milner Group, he recognized the fact that Sir Edward Grey precipitated the Great War.

Ambassador Gerard wrote:

"In this question of the outbreak of war, it must be noted that Sir Edward Grey missed a great opportunity. If, in the beginning, he had told the German Ambassador that England would go to war against Germany . . . the world might have been spared a great war - a war which sowed the seeds of another and greater one twenty-five years after." [9]

Austria declared war on Serbia on July 28, Germany invaded Belgium on August 3, and Ambassador Gerard visited Kaiser Wilhelm on August 10.

Ambassador Gerard wrote:

"Early in August 1914 President Wilson sent me a message through the State Department stating that the United States stood ready at any time to mediate between the warring powers. He directed me to present this proposal to the Emperor in person. An audience with the Emperor (the Kaiser - ed) was arranged for me for the morning of August 10. The Emperor was seated at an iron table in the little garden of the palace in Berlin. . . . In formal language I made my offer. It was declined.
Then the Emperor asked me to sit down and talk to him. . . .

The Emperor, on one of the few occasions that I saw him in a thoughtful mood, hesitated for a moment and then said slowly, 'No, the coming in of the English has changed the whole situation.
They are an obstinate race. They will never stop fighting.'

After some further discussion the Emperor said he would send a personal message to President Wilson in answer to his offer. He then wrote in pencil, on some large telegraph blanks lying on the table, a personal message to the President. . . . Of the most historical interest is that part of the message referring to Sir Edward Grey, the British Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the violation of Belgian neutrality.

For the President of the United States personally: 10/VIII 14.

1. H.R.H. Prince Henry was received by his Majesty King George V in London, who empowered him to transmit to me verbally, that England would remain neutral if war broke out on the Continent involving Germany and France, Austria and Russia. This message was telegraphed to me by my brother from London after his conversation with H.M. the King, and repeated verbally on the twenty-ninth of July." [10]

The King's message convinced Kaiser Wilhelm there wouldn't be a major war, so the Kaiser didn't try to mediate the dispute between Serbia and Austria. Why did the King of England deceive his cousin? [11] More about that next week.


1. Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment, Books in Focus, 1981, p. 31.
2. Viscount Grey of Fallodon, Twenty-Five Years: 1892-1916, Frederick A. Stokes Company, Volume II, New York, 1926, pp. 15-17. See Also this.
3. Quigley, op. cit., p. 31.
4. Ibid., p. 197.
5. Barry Goldwater, With No Apologies, William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1979, pp. 280-286.
6. Wilhelm II, The Kaiser's Memoirs, Harper & Brothers Publishers, New York, 1922, p. 257.
7. Dr. Dennis Cuddy, The Globalists: The Power Elite Exposed, Hearthstone Publishing, P.O. Box 815, Oklahoma City, 2001, p. 32.
8. Bertrand Russell, Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, Routledge, New York, 1967, p. 156.
9. James W. Gerard, My First Eight-three Years in America, Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1951, p. 218.
10. Ibid., p. 217.
11. First world war.

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Dr. Stanley Monteith has been studying the movement to create a world government for almost 40 years. During his 35-year career as an orthopedic surgeon he traveled to Europe, lived in South Africa, and researched the records of the men and the organizations that are working to bring our nation under the control of a corporate elite.

Dr. Monteith currently spends five hours daily on talk radio across the nation. He writes extensively, and lectures on geopolitics. He is the author of AIDS: The Unnecessary Epidemic and his most recent book Brotherhood of Darkness is in its 8th printing.

RADIO LIBERTY, P.O. BOX 969, SOQUEL, CA. 95073 -- 800-544-8927

