Lou Dobbs Production Staff Must Re-Apply for Their Jobs

Monday, 23 November 2009 23:31

A lot of discussion surrounding Lou Dobbs departure from CNN has been focusing on what the presenter will do next, but news has developed today that his former production staff, currently - but temporarily - producing CNN Tonight in Dobb's former slot. The temporary programme runs until early next year when a new programme, presented and produced in Washington DC begins, fronted by John King. CNN informed Dobbs old team late last Friday that they could start applying for new jobs around the network, including for the new John King show, although it was clearly implied to them that their current jobs would be coming to an end shortly.

Producers and staff working with Lou Dobbs did so completely independently of the rest of the network, working from their own private section of the Time Warner building in New York, which leads many to think that their chances of securing positions elsewhere within the organisation is unlikely.

Among those thought to be directly affected are reporters Kitty Pilgrim and Bill Tucker, who it is thought, are also unlikely to secure positions elsewhere within CNN.

http://www.worldbusinessnews.co.uk/cnn/ ... -jobs.html