By Joe Kress
August 10, 2011

The payback for graft, greed, and unlimited indulgences that would even embarrass Ancient Rome’s moral turpitude. The self-serving excess within members of both political parties have now come home to roost at the doorstep of the American public who must pick up the bill. Forty percent of the public that pay no Federal Income Tax succumbed to bribery offered by Obama which is why he is still reelectable and will devastate the remains of America’s future.

There are about thirty staunch Tea Party advocates within the House of Representatives who stirred the core of the imbedded old guard within the Republican establishment that for eons played the public as suckers and bedded with the Democrats using facades to cover their perfidity that would make Lucifer blush. The fact is the old guard Republicans are Neocons to the core.

They have taken the wide road to hell along with the New World Order international socialist Democrats who follow in lockstep of their narcissist president, a puppet of the international socialists whose secret mentors are members of the European’s old governing elite. Forbes magazine, in its recent publication, listed a number of convicted members of congress who are serving sentences, yet receive their enormous pensions. Also there is a list of members who are still awaiting indictment who collect their pensions, some exceeding a hundred thousand a year.

The Royal Families: the Windsors, the Bourbons, the inherited wealth from Spanish, Swedish Danish monarchs have joined in an international force backed by the Rothschild cabal of international investment bankers such as the Warburgs, Schiffs, Morgan and Rockefeller family billions in tax exempt funds dedicated to world government. The international news outlets with their pseudo conservative spokespersons such as O’Reilly, a master pin head and his clueless Sean Hannity who waves the flag and mouths the establishment’s propaganda headed by Rupert Murdoch a dyed-in-the wool member of the Bilderberg Group, founded by that old rascal Prince Bernhardt of the Netherlands whose single purpose is to keep the Royals and the money interests in a position of international power. The Weekly Standard, a rag once headed by Bill Kristol, a RINO, whose father still praises the glories of international socialism and belonged to the Communist Party that idolized Stalin. Kristol is a regular apologist for the RINOs on Fox TV Besides the European elites, America’s enemies within, such as Senators Lugar, Feinstein, President Clinton, the Bushes and Carter, other congressional members of the Rockefeller funded Trilateral Commission periodically attend the Bilderberg secret meetings whose purpose is to “adviseâ€