When a premise is false, all things extending from that premise are equally false

The Compact Fluorescent - An Instrument of Tyranny!

By Ron Ewart
Thursday, December 10, 2009

All we have to protect ourselves from the charlatan, the con man, a special interest group, or the government, is our intellect, our knowledge, logic and common sense.

That’s it. Our intellect, through the use of logic, allows us to sift through our knowledge and render judgments and conclusions about what we observe with our five senses. Our common sense allows us to compare information that we receive through those senses, against that which a normal, prudent and reasonable person could reasonably assume to be true, based on his or her accumulated knowledge.

There are situations however, in which common sense and gut feeling don’t work. Ask any pilot who has flown through a cloud without instrument flight training. But irrespective of three-dimensional flight, our common sense and gut feelings are fairly accurate, here on the ground at least. The old saying that, “..... if it doesn’t look like a duck, fly like a duck, or quack like a duck, it probably isn’t a duck.â€