The house of cards is tumbling. Keep an eye on this to see where it will go. Three videos out now and one has to think there will be more. What an excellent strategy to release them one by one...

Senate votes on Johanns amendment to cut off ACORN housing funds; Update: Dems overwhelmingly voting AYE
By Michelle Malkin • September 14, 2009 05:22 PM

Just watched GOP Sen. Mike Johanns introduce his amendment on the Senate floor banning federal funds in the current transportation and housing appropriations bill from going to ACORN. Currently, ACORN is eligible to receive millions more in taxpayer funds through mortgage counseling, Community Development Block Grants, and the Neighborhood Stabilization Program — in addition to the tens of millions ACORN Housing Corp. has already received.

The vote is underway right now.

The Johanns Amendment is #2355 to H.R. 3288.

Johanns cited the sting videos as evidence that ACORN cannot be trusted with government money:

“Until a full investigation is launched into ACORN, no taxpayer money should be used to fund its activities. A vote in favor of my amendment is a vote in favor of the taxpayer and a vote against the status quo.â€