Unable comprehend the difference between the freedom of religion and a $100 million stick in the eye

The Sharia Law Victory Mosque Must Go

By Fred Dardick
Monday, August 23, 2010

I’m getting pretty peeved by likes of President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Time Magazine, the mainstream media and every other liberal jerk out there claiming the 70% of Americans who oppose the Ground Zero mosque are a bunch of ignorant bigots.

They speak to Americans as though we were children and are unable comprehend the difference between the freedom of religion and a $100 million stick in the eye when we see one.

They may be able to lawyer their way around the facts, but most don’t need an Ivy League education to figure out that it’s not mosques in general that Americans have a problem with, but rather a 15-story 9/11 victory monument intended to promote Sharia law that has people up in arms.

There are already two small mosques in the Ground Zero neighborhood that have been in operation for years, and I don’t see anyone demanding they pack up and leave. I also doubt many would be upset if the developers had included a church and synagogue in the structure as well, but they didn’t do that, did they?

It’s the Cordoba House lie perpetrated by Iman Abdul Rauf and his Sharia law cohorts that has people pulling out their hair in disgust. They would have us believe their purpose is to “build bridgesâ€