Shark Tank's Mr. Wonderful Delivers a Blunt Reality Check to CNN Viewers

Emily Hulsey | On 26, Feb 2014

Sarcastically known as Mr. Wonderful, Kevin O’Leary is a billionaire who has helped countless small businesses succeed on the TV show Shark Tank. However, to say that he is blunt is an understatement.
In this interview with CNN’s Erin Burnett, he stays true to his reputation of crass honesty when asked about income inequality and the left’s desires to raise the minimum wage. O’Leary defends the right to accumulate wealth, pointing out that the 1% wealthiest Americans are the ones who have contributed valuable jobs and tax revenue to the economy.
“The reason they’re the 1% is because they created businesses, products and services that were very successful, employed millions of people, paid billions in taxes. All of the wealth in America doesn’t come from government at all. It comes from the backs of people like the 1% that created the businesses and hundreds of thousands of jobs.”
He then states that President Obama is wrong to suppose that small business owners want an increased minimum wage and suggests that he ask them what they really want, which is the ability to create more jobs. Boom.