Short of A Miracle, America Doesn’t Stand a Chance

Author: Mac Slavo- March 14th, 2011
Comments 11

The most recent video from CSL Financial Group provides a brief run down of the American financial crisis (going back to 1913), the fiscal and monetary problems facing America today, and solutions that would work if implemented on the local, state and Federal levels:

(Video follows excerpt and commentary)

We cannot keep increasing regulations, paying for heatlh care, adding more taxes and fees, and still expect the US to grow jobs when there are countries near and far with less regulations and costs, making great incentives for businesses to start there instead of here. America is on the brink of a collapse; it is approaching the end of its time to fix it before it does collapse.

Currently, in order to maintain the same unemployment rate in 2011, one hundred fifty thousand jobs need to be created each month just to keep up with population growth. We need to stop government spending, stop wars of aggression costing us hundreds of billions a year, end the Federal Reserve, and abolish the income tax, and reduce business regulations across all states and federally. Without taking these steps, short of a miracle, America doesn’t stand a chance.

As economic doom approaches (and for many, it’s already here) ... y_03112011 it is hard to imagine how we got here in the first place. It’s disheartening that in nearly one hundred years only a handful of elected officials tried to stop the disaster and recognized it for what it was. For the last 40 years, we as a country have done nothing but borrow and spend. The majority of those in Congress either knew exactly what they were doing, or were delusional in thinking that later generations would figure out how to resolve the problems they created. Delusion will now make way for reality.

While the solutions proposed by CLS would most certainly lead to a better end result, the fact of the matter is that no such steps will be taken. Congress remains, as they have for several generations, in a state of voluntary confusion. They are driven not by serving the people, but rather, by self interest.

We have a hard time believing that anything will change until AFTER a complete collapse of the system as we know it. Very few are prepared to make the hard decisions, because the hard decisions are not politically feasible. Governor Walker’s actions in Wisconsin are just one example. As the crisis deepens, the decisions will be forced upon state legislators and governors, and eventually federal officials, as well. Like Wisconsin, with each forced budgetary and fiscal measure, people will protest. They will be democrats, republicans and those not affiliated with any party. This is how it will go for years to come.

The system, built upon mounds of debt, will crumble. There is simply no alternative.

America doesn’t stand a chance, in our opinion, of mitigating the crisis. Our political system at this time has devolved into a cleptocracy that will only maintain until every last penny and credit limit has been used up. Only then, once the thieves in government and quasi-private industry can steal no more, will real change occur.

Then, it is our hope and belief, that individual responsibility and the fundamental birthright to pursue happiness through liberty of thought and expression will be the driving force that will yet again give America a chance. Only when the individual is allowed to flourish – to be free – without the reigns of government directing our every move, will we as a nation succeed.

We hate to sound like pessimists, but collapse is a foregone conclusion, in our opinion. We have passed a point of no return, and now all we can really do is watch it play out before our eyes. While the following video offers some positive, optimistic strategies for resolving the crisis and changing our current paradigm for the better, and as much as we would hope the measures would be implemented, we just don’t believe that our elected officials and dear leaders will take the steps necessary. Thus, we take the following as a warning of what’s to come:

Video: America's Economic Tsunami Is Almost Here, Time Is Running Out! ... ded#at=195 ... e_03142011