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Should bad bloggers have press freedom?

Plain Talk By Al Neuharth, USA TODAY Founder

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." — Voltaire, as quoted by his biographer in 1906.

More and more bloggers are getting more and more attention on the Internet. Many deserve it, because they provide interesting and useful news or information. Some don't, because they peddle phony stuff to promote themselves and/or hurt others.

The problem is many consumers of the Web haven't yet figured out how to tell the difference.

Some politicians, prime victims of bad bloggers, think the First Amendment protection of a free press should not apply to bloggers and have threatened laws to try to do something about it.

They're wrong.

From the days of Benjamin Franklin, unknown and often unknowing critics of anything have had a right to express themselves. Then, many did it with pamphlets. Now they do it in more sophisticated ways.

Leaders in public or private activities now often are targets of bad blogging. I've received my share. Some is funny. Some outrageous. Some libelous.

But most bad bloggers are libel-proof because they don't have the financial resources with which to pay court judgments their victims could win.


• If you are a victim of bad blogging, just consider the source, relax and try to shrug it off.

• If you are a blog reader, very carefully consider the source. That will help you decide whether it's good/fair or bad/biased. If it's the latter, just laugh it off.

Remember, the First Amendment applies to everyone, even if some users abuse it. We in the media not only must try to make sure the press is fair as well as free, but we also must help the public understand the difference between information and propaganda.

Other views on blogging and libel
"Understanding that the most important element is to protect the First Amendment, the issue needs attention because unlike any time in history, 'anonymous' information is moving at warp speed."

— State Sen. Steve Goss, D-N.C., who has proposed a bill for more study on dealing with libel on blogs

"By extending the power of the press to every citizen, blogging has unlimited potential to be a transformative good for society, which must be protected and nurtured, even at the cost of excess."

— Robert Cox, president, Media Bloggers Association

Posted at 12:15 AM/ET, May 08, 2009 in Media

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John Doe 2 (28 friends, send message) wrote: 1m ago

Would Al Neuharth, USA TODAY Founder, be surprised to learn that employees of USA TODAY ban people from posting comment on the USA TODAY Online site everyday because they don't agree with what someone has posted?


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