Well, I'm gonna go it alone. There's a Tea Party not to far from me and in an area I'm not scared to death to go to. So, I was hoping someone could up with some ideas that voice the illegal problem, but also sticks with the Tea Party. This particular Tea Party won me over because Jerry Aguair (?) will be speaking along with Sauerberg (I think)...which was the man running against Durbin than I voted for. Both anti-illegal, pro everify, rule of law....etc. Most of the suggestions they had are based pretty much around the stimulus bill and taxes, yet I know illegal aliens are just as much of this issue as well.

One thought that has crossed my mind is with anchor babies not being held responsible for their parents actions, yet our children and unborn children will be paying taxes for something they had no choice in either.

Something with e-verify maybe. ......which, and I doubt I'm the first to wonder about this.....anyway, on the radio this morning they were talking about the union thing they are trying to push through. There were a couple of callers who specifically asked," as an American citizen and a union supporter, why should I go for this if you can't support American workers by using e-verify?"

The answer was, e-verify isn't perfect, so until revisions are made, they won't use it, so no. The thought that overwhelmed me was that they won't use it, till the illegals are made legal and then suddenly I bet there won't be a problem with e-verify. They only other option I see is going with an entirely new system canning all SS#'s, and can't see them doing that anytime soon. It's too ingrained in our system to change, and any meshing in will be prone to more errors than e-verify could hope to have.