August 20, 2023

Sleepy Joe jets to billionaire donor’s home for vacation and the media didn’t see nuthin’

By Jack Hellner

(See also: “Biden takes in a 6-day vacay at Tom Steyer’s $18 million Lake Tahoe mansion ... with a side trip to Maui”)
The media and other Democrats have been seeking to destroy Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito for alleged “ethics” or violations, but in reality, they just don’t want the justices to stay in their lane.
The media and other Democrats can’t stand for a Supreme Court that recognizes that there are three branches of government which all have very specific and distinct responsibilities.
They are extremely mad that there are currently five members of the Supreme Court that recognized that a previous Supreme Court had erred when it legislated from the bench and legalized nationwide abortion; they simply recognized abortion was not a Constitutional right, and moved the decision back to the legislative bodies in the states where it belongs.
They are also mad that there are six justices that recognize that it is Congress that is supposed to make laws instead of unelected bureaucrats.
Democrat Senators and Representatives want unelected bureaucrats at the EPA, Department of Energy, Education, the Interior, and elsewhere to be able to force their leftist agenda on the public instead of having their fingerprints on these dictatorial rulings, so they seek to destroy justices like Alito and Thomas for taking trips with rich people. As far as I can tell, they have not made decisions based on with whom they travel, but that doesn’t matter to the media.
It is no different than the multiple ways that they have sought to destroy Trump over the years because of his policies to give the power, purse, and freedom back to the people as fast as he could. That is unacceptable to the media and other Democrats who want big government to destroy our lives.
The Democrats claim they are targeting Thomas and Alito because ethics are so important to them, but we know that isn’t true, because they are completely silent about Joe Biden.
Not once have I heard Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin, or other Democrat leaders talk about Joe Biden’s (lack of) ethics no matter what he does. Why are there no complaints about his trips to a billionaire’s house, or all his meetings with people who got kickbacks for Hunter and the family?
Sadly, most of the media doesn’t care either. From RedState:
Biden is staying at the $18 million mansion of billionaire Tom Steyer.

Biden has stayed at the homes of billionaires and the wealthy in the past and has not paid for some of those stays. He’s stayed the past two Thanksgivings at the home of private-equity billionaire David Rubenstein. He’s also vacationed at the home of donor Maria Allwin (whose family runs a hedge fund) last August on Kiawah Island, S.C., and he reportedly didn't pay for that. He and the extended family also stayed at the beachfront St. Croix home of Bill and Connie Neville for free in December and January, while a lot of the country was enduring the ‘bomb cyclone’ cold weather.
Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders complain about the rich not paying their “fair share” so where are their demands for all these rich people to show their tax returns and financial documents reporting these lavish gifts to the Bidens?
Where is their outrage that Hunter got caught committing fraud to intentionally underpay his taxes? Why aren’t they demanding that Hunter file gift tax forms for paying Joe’s bills?
The answer is that Democrats don’t care about ethics; they only care about power, and they will seek to destroy anyone who gets in their way, whether it is a black man named Thomas or an orange man named Trump.
Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

Sleepy Joe jets to billionaire donor’s home for vacation and the media didn’t see nuthin’ - American Thinker