FEMA gunmen deputized to help administer vaccinesAuthor

"FEMA officials are directing police chiefs nationwide to search local gun owner records to identify and train civilian deputies to secure smallpox vaccination sites. Authorities claim this availability of lethal force is meant to reduce risks and protect volunteers."
How much more crazy is this going to get?!?!?
FEMA gunmen deputized to help administer vaccines

Tetrahedron Publishing Group
Health Science Communications for People Around the World
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Release: No. DITA-71

Date Mailed: Dec. 19, 2002
For Immediate Release
Contact: Elaine Zacky 208/265-2575; 800/336-9266

Smallpox Gunmen Deputized to Secure Vaccination Areas: Resistance Mounts to FEMAs Involvement in Public Health Plan

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) officials are directing police chiefs nationwide to search local gun owner records to identify and train civilian deputies to secure smallpox vaccination sites. According to documents forwarded to civil rights groups by police chiefs engaged in a growing smallpox vaccination resistance movement, the plan calls for armed civilian security guards to maintain the peace in every room the vaccine will be given.

The FEMA directive is aimed to prevent violence at smallpox vaccination areas. It also effectively removes law enforcement officials who oppose vaccination. Police chiefs are now being pressured to comply, get vaccinated, then promote the smallpox vaccine, said one chief who requested anonymity. They expect us to follow the 500,000 military personnel that began to receive the vaccine this week.

The general public may be required to take the vaccine immediately following the first reported case of smallpox, and after 10 million healthcare workers and emergency responders are vaccinated and positioned to run the mammoth civilian program.

FEMA officials were unavailable for comment regarding their involvement in ordering one armed civilian security staff to defend every two vaccinators, including one preferred registered nurse. These civilian volunteers are expected to administer thousands of vaccines per day.

Authorities will claim this availability of lethal force is meant to reduce risks and protect volunteers, said Ingri Cassel, the director of Vaccination Liberation, a nationwide association that has established dozens of local chapters to defend the legal right to abstain from vaccinations. We are seeing increasingly coercive policies, allegedly for public health and national security, that dangerously restrict civil rights and religious freedoms.

Ive been vindicated, said Jack McLamb, a retired military and police officer, and publisher of AID & Abet, a police and military periodical. Officer McLamb has been persecuted for years for openly criticizing the government while predicting that law officers would be used to enforce coercive public health policies that attack civil liberties and undermine religious freedoms. My detractors laughed when I said, Tyranny can not come to the home of any American unless it comes in uniform. Now no one is laughing anymore.


Note to journalists: For additional interviews on this topic contact Ingri Cassel at 208-255-2307 vaclib (at) coldreams.com, Dr. Leonard Horowitz 208-265-2575 tetra (at) tetrahedron.org and Jack McLamb at (20 935-7852.

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