$11 billion budget gap

Statement from Governor Chris Christie on FY 2011 Budget

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Trenton, NJ – Today Governor Chris Christie issued the following statement:

“I am proud that after working with the Legislature we were able to fulfill our commitment to New Jerseyans not to raise taxes, while still closing an unprecedented $11 billion budget gap and protecting our most vulnerable citizens. This budget deals responsibly with the fiscal nightmare we inherited and makes the tough and necessary choices to restore fiscal sanity to our state and begin fundamental reform.

“As difficult as this process was, we are not done – not by a long shot.

Without more excuses or further delay, we must move to lock in real, lasting reforms, including a constitutional cap on property taxes without loopholes or exceptions. New Jersey is tired of half measures and empty promises. Now is the time to finish the work we started and give the people a vote in controlling their property taxes.â€