What do they call that plausible dependability!!!!

[quote]White House Still Checking to See If It Offered Congressman a Job So He Wouldn't Run Against Specter
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
By Fred Lucas, Staff Writer

Rep. Joe Sestak (D.-Pa.) is challenging Sen. Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania's Democratic U.S. Senate primary. (AP Photo/George Widman)
Washington (CNSNews.com) – Two weeks after promising to check on the matter, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs still did not have an answer to the charge by former Navy admiral and Pennsylvania Senate candidate Rep. Joe Sestak that the Obama administration offered him a job in exchange for abandoning his primary challenge against Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.).

On Tuesday, Major Garret of Fox News asked Gibbs about Specter's comments that Sestak needs to prove his claim and that the accusation is “hurting the White House, damaging its reputation.â€