He says the bill is no good, the next minute, as he pretends at being a Democrat

Specter Shows His Other Face

By Warner Todd Huston
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Only a few weeks before Senator Arlen Specter (Traitor, Pennsylvania) flipped back to his original party, the Democrats, he made all sorts of pronouncements on how he wouldn’t support the cloture vote to help pass the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA). He blustered that he couldn’t support the bill and that he’d vote against it.

But now he claims to be a Democrat. Now he has told a group of left wing, nutrooters at a convention in his home state that he will vote for cloture and will vote for the EFCA.

If this isn’t a perfectly clear example of a most unprincipled man, what is? One minute, while he pretended at being a Republican, he says the bill is no good, the next minute, as he pretends at being a Democrat, he’s all for it? Where does principle and honesty come in?

In America we expect two things from our elected officials, honesty and representation. Honesty comes in when we elect someone based on the principles they claim to serve and representation comes when we expect that politician to live up to those principles.

Of course we want our officials to vote the way we elected them to vote, certainly. But we elect a politician based on how they present themselves to us. If a majority votes a pol in who spouts conservative principles, he should vote that way. If a pol is elected based on his left wing principles, then a sudden about face is not desirable.

Specter won election because he was supposed to be a man of center right principles and he invoked those principles when he stood in opposition to the EFCA. But now, a mere party shift seems to mean a complete about face on principles. This makes Senator Specter a man that no one should ever trust under any circumstance. It makes of him a liar.

It means that his “principleâ€