Star Parker Speaks at Taylor Tea Party

Agenda 21: Social Justice in America

Righting the Right

The Smell of Freedom

January 22, 2012 | Issue #501



by Zaydia Baker

Star Parker, founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE), syndicated columnist, Fox News analyst and black conservative, spoke January 10 before an enthusiastic crowd at the Taylor Tea Party in Perry, Florida.

Parker criticized big-government welfare, which costs $700 billion a year, she said, for poverty programs that have not decreased poverty.

Parker, who had spent a few years on welfare as a young mother, chronicled the evils of dependency for black families and America in general, warning that America is not far behind the black community in this regard. Since Johnson’s Great Society made welfare easier and Roe v. Wade made abortion easier, Parker noted that the black illegitimacy rate has more than tripled, while the white rate has increased 11 times over.

Parker’s Christian awakening led her to reject welfare and become an entrepreneur.

Parker encouraged the audience to get involved in local Republican committees to make the party follow through on promises to cut spending and serve the people who gave them power.

Parker’s book Uncle Sam’s Plantation: How Big Government Enslaves America’s Poor and What We Can Do About It was also available for purchase afterward. Her columns are regularly featured on

Black American Conservative Womern are a rare breed in today's political climate. They are ususally a target of the left. We applaud Star Parker for her bravery is speaking the truth to all Americans.


by Karen Schoen

It has come to our attention:

The Florida Department of Education is not paying attention to the material given to our students. Social Justice, the UNESCO ideology, is now being taught in the classroom. Social justice supports equality and solidarity in a society.

So that we are all on the same page, Social Justice is based on the concept of human rights and equality, and involves a great degree of economic affairs in which equality of outcome means all people having the same wealth. If wealth is not equal, then the government has the right to take from one and give to another.

Social Justice is a founding principle of various forms of socialism, communism, and cooperative economic organization, implemented through progressive taxation, income redistribution, or even property redistribution.

Notice there is no need for students to know how to read or write, do math, know science, learn American history, nor to learn about America's greatness, Bill of Rights, or Constitution. Instead, so long as students can communicate the values of the teacher, they pass. Since “grading” will make one student feel exceptional and others feel badly about themselves, they only ” pass” or “fail.”

On October 9, 2011 Jack Chambless,Economics Professor, Valencia College, Orlando, wrote to the The Orlando Sentinel on The American Dream. His students had to write an essay explaining their definition of the American Dream and what they expected the federal government to do to help them achieve their version of this dream.

“When contemplating the role of Washington, D.C., in helping them achieve their goals in life, my students — most of whom were educated in America's public schools — wrote that they wanted government to "pay for my tuition," "provide me with a job," "give me money for a house," "make sure I get free health care," "pay for my retirement," "raise taxes on rich people so that I can have more money" and so forth.

One student, who thought her American Dream could be best achieved with more government regulations, went so far as to say, "We all know that there are many bad side effects when regulations take place, but as human beings, we are not really responsible for our own acts, and so we need government to control those who don't care about others. It makes sense that our freedom is reduced every day with the new regulations."

Recently, The Wall Street Journal reported that for the first time in our nation's history, 51 percent of Americans will not pay income taxes this year. It should also be noted that in 1983, just over 29 percent of Americans received some form of government assistance. Today the figure is 44.4 percent.

As a retired teacher, with a Masters Degree in Liberal Studies, I was not surprised at what they were saying. But I doubt if any of the students or parents actually understood what they were asking for in their dream. Government control comes with a heavy price. Life does not continue along the same path we are accustomed to today. It changes drastically. YOU will go to your government- approved apartment (flat) in your sustainable development with government- approved clothes, eating your government- approved food, and going to your government- approved job on your bicycle. Traveling is out. Healthcare is controlled by the government. Your electricity, energy, and food will be rationed. All services are mediocre, your only purpose in life is to work for the government. After all, Nancy Pelosi needs to take another $10,000 a day room for her vacation and someone has to pay for it.

Race to the Top has brought us a National Data Base so your children will be happy to “tell all in school” how much you smoke, eat, drink, if you have a gun, your political associations, friends, sexual orientation. Now, all of this will be reported into the National Data Base. If you are a Tea Party member, you will be classified as a terrorist and, now, with National Defense Appropriations Act, the government needs no excuse to pick you up and detain you indefinitely. Not to worry - the TSA, the new Obama home army that he promised to create and fund, will come and get you.

Do students really understand Social Justice or do they think they are joining another social network? Do you understand your new life? Let’s see how this social justice will work on a middle class family used to making their own decisions…..

So what if….

Your Government has determined that you have accumulated more wealth than your neighbors? That is not acceptable as the requirement of Social Justice demands that wealth be shared. You will be required to share your wealth to make room for other less- fortunate families. In preparation of implementing Social Justice, you will now be required to register all bedrooms in your home.

Your child will also register this information on the National Data Base, as required in the Race to the Top program. This information will be stored on the National Data Base program and will be shared with all government agencies (for your protection) to monitor your compliance with the program.

Your family can occupy 1 bedroom. Each of the other bedrooms will be assigned to another family. This program is open to all residents of Florida, legal or illegal, working or not. You will be required to clothe, feed, educate, as well as to provide shelter, transportation and medical attention to all people living in your home.

Your family can only have 1 car, which you will be unable to drive because fuel will necessarily skyrocket. You will be required to redistribute all other cars to those living in your home.

You will register your income so it can be divided equally among those living in your home. Under NO circumstances will those living in your home be required to pay or assist in any services required for the upkeep of your home. They are not obligated to you for any reason, it is just your obligation to pay for them since you and accumulated too much wealth and wealth must be shared equally.

Once the registration is complete, you will transfer ownership of your home or business to the State. Private property is not acceptable under a Social Justice program. Don't want to register, do not worry; your child will be able to complete this registration in the national data base required in Race to the Top.

If you need any references as to how this program works, we refer you to those models of implementation of Social Justice in Cuba, Argentina, Venezuela, Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia, Hungary, China, and Poland.

If you feel that you have been selected unfairly, then contact the FLDOE and tell them that you live in the Constitutional Republic of America, not the Communist Republic of America. Demand that communist/socialist programs be removed from the schools. Demand that the Bill of Rights, American exceptionalism, nationalism, history, civics, and economics be returned to the Florida curriculum. Teaching Social Justice is un-American.

How to Take Action

We suggest that you make flyers with the following information to give to every homeowner in your community. Write letters to the media, your Governor, local, state and federal legislators, Dept of Education, and School Board.

To all Florida Home Owners:

According to the RTTT Mandate for the National Data Base: Teachers will be required to enter the students’ profile daily. Kids talk in school. What will your child tell the teacher, their new mentor? Social justice supports equality and solidarity in a society. (All wealth must be equally distributed.)

To reach the Florida Commission of Education:

Commissioner Of Education

To reach the Governor of Florida:

Florida Governor Rick Scott - Contact Governor Scott

Only you can stop the spread of Communism in America.

Not to speak is to speak, not to act, is to act.

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by Rev. Glenn M. Pav

I like mottos. Do you? Mottos help me to remember important things to do, say, or think. They are precise, to the point, and state a principle to live by. For example, when I was a young Boy Scout, our motto was “Be Prepared.” Everything I learned as a scout was centered on this thought. I earned merit badges for cooking, hiking, camping, life saving, and first aid. Each discipline learned helps a Boy Scout to “Be Prepared.”

After I graduated from Boy Scouts, I kept remembering to “Be Prepared.” This motto helped me in other areas of life. In high school, I took a direction of study called “College Prep,” or college preparation. Every course was intended to introduce me to further and deeper understanding of future course work. By taking the college prep tract, it prepared me to enter college without deficiencies. You see, colleges looked for high school students who would have “the basics” completed before entering their course of study leading to a degree and a career. “Be Prepared.”

Preparation is important for all of us. As babies, we learned to crawl before we walked. We learned to utter mimicking sounds of our parents before we learned to talk correctly. Whether you want to admit it or not, we not only look like our parents physically, but we even walk, talk, and think like them. They have been our tutors for life during our impressionable years. They have “prepared” us for independent living.

The Bible says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Without getting into the entire meaning of this directive, let us simply concentrate on the major idea: train. To train implies a relationship. There must be a “trainer” and a “trainee”. To train suggests that knowledge is transferred from one to another. To educate means to prepare one to apply what we know to what we do; or simply put, it means to apply knowledge rightly, or to be wise.

I have learned that my motivation in life, the thing that I delight to do more than anything, is to encourage others, to inspire individuals to learn and live with greater passion and purpose than ever before. I like being a catalyst. That’s a big word that simply means “to motivate to action without being always recognized as the motivator.” In chemistry, a catalyst becomes a cause for a chemical reaction. It never changes its own properties, but initiates other chemicals to react and make things happen. In politics, I like to be a catalyst. So, a purposeful motto can be a means to an end. May I motivate you to apply the knowledge of a motto to your life, right now? The motto I’m about to share with you has motivated me personally to get involved in the political arena like never before.

For over 40 years, I voted in elections by making as intelligent a decision on whom to vote for as possible. Honestly, there were times I did not know the candidates very well to make an educated and calculated choice for which one was the “best” possible leader based on my personal convictions. Today, if I am only a “spectator” of the political arena and not “in” the game, I realize that “others” are making these initial and important choices which may not be my personal preferences. By letting this lack of preparation go on for decades, I lost the desire to even watch the game. Without my involvement, it’s my fault what kind of people “represent” me.

The older I get the more my convictions mean to me and the more I desire to seek to motivate others to form their beliefs and live by them. Simply put, my mission includes encouraging people of purpose to “Be Prepared” to live out their core beliefs and their personal convictions through action. My thought life must be expressed in my word life which then results in my deed life: namely, my thoughts, words, and deeds. My thoughts are the catalysts that change my speech and my actions. This personal “trinity” (thought, word, and deed) must make sense, be understood by others, and potentially motivate people to action. I must not keep silent any longer. If what I know (and continue to learn) becomes important to me to live, than it can be important for others also. Each of our core beliefs is composed of a multitude of other people’s ideas. Each of our verbal expressions is born out of a heart filled with emotions, passions, and desires. Each of our actions stems from our formed thoughts, our verbal talk, with a preparation to realize what’s in our hearts.

So what is that ever-present motto that catapults me into action? Today, I am rejuvenated with this spirit. I have a mission: that is, “Righting the Right.” The motto, “Righting the Right,” needs explanation. “Righting” is a nautical term of significance. Capsizing refers to when a boat or shipis tipped over until disabled. The act of reversing a capsized vessel is called righting. I believe our federal, state and local governments are capsizing America. We are sinking fast. We have left our Founding Fathers ways. America’s ship is tipping over and becoming disabled.

No longer can I expect current politicians to right the USS America. We need to join the crew to “right” the ship. We must concentrate on this first or we will be visiting Davey Jones’ locker at the bottom of the sea of despair. “Righting the Right” is my motto for such a time as this. Our country is sinking and sinking fast. There is no time to waste. We must bring America back to its constitutional moorings. We must bring the Republican Party back to its conservative right. We must reverse our capsizing USS America before we redirect her ways.

The big question is how can we right the right? I like lists; so here are my objectives to righting the right. Stay with me on this. Don’t be discouraged. Redirect your anger to positive action. No one or two crew members can save the USS America by themselves. It takes cooperation, humility, servitude, commitment, passion and steadfastness. Some of the crew will need to humbly start bailing the sea water out of the ship; some will need to step out of their comfort zone and do whatever the captain orders with swift and accurate action; still others will need to be willing to do “whatever” is needed “wherever” it’s necessary.

Most of us will get not only our feet wet through inconvenience, but be soaked to the bone. Some of us will be managers, others motivators, others examples, and still others catalysts. Your job description may very. Your ego must be checked at the dock and left on land. We’re on the high seas now. Survival, at first, is our center of attention. Once the ship is “righted” our strategy of direction is next. But first things first. Be encouraged to take these directives to heart, transform your thinking with them, and become an activist in “Righting the Right.” Let’s role up our sleeves and get going…

“Righting the Right”

An Action Plan to Reverse Our Capsizing America and Redirect the Republican Party

1. Take this Citizen’s Pledge (This was suggested by Karl Rove and expanded by me)

The 5 Pledges to Perpetuate Our Republic

1. EDUCATION: To educate yourself about the key issues of health care, spending, deficits and the economy

2. LEADERSHIP: To ascertain where the leadership (candidates) for U.S. Senate and House stand on these issues

3. ELECTION: To vote in the Fall elections for candidates you personally believe best represent your views

4. CONTACTS: To make a list of 10-25 people you would contact to take this pledge

5. TRANSPORTATION: To make sure your recruits register, vote and are transported to the election polls

EDUCATION: I pledge, by my signature below, to educate my friends, family and community regarding key issues on health care, spending, deficits and the economy. YES!!

LEADERSHIP: I pledge, by my signature, to DISCOVER and confirm where candidates stand on key issues for the Senate and House seats, Federal, State, County, City, and School Board positions in upcoming elections so that every vote cast truly reflects my conscience. YES!!

ELECTION: I pledge, by my signature, that I will register and then vote this fall for those candidates that personally best represent my educated views on these issues. YES!!

CONTACTS: I further pledge for the sake of my Republic to make a manageable list of 10 to 25 people whom I will individually approach to take this same pledge. YES!!

TRANSPORTATION: And finally, I pledge that I will personally see that each of my recruits register and vote, even if I have to transport them to the polls. YES!!

Date signed:___________________________

My Patriot Signature:________________________________________


(Alongside the List of Your Handpicked Pledglings)

1. Take this Citizen’s Pledge

2. Join a solid group such as Agenders 21 (Enders of Agenda 21) or a local group such as Patriots’ Ink, a PAC (Political Action Committee)

Patriots' Ink ; Call me for more information 727-743-5328

3. Share your experience and talents with the crew

4. Keep this motto, “Righting the Right,” in the forefront of your thoughts, words, and deeds

5. Resolve to be an Encourager and an Accountability partner

Once the USS America ship is “righted” by the Fall of 2012, then we must hold these elected conservative, constitutionalists to their word and continue with redirecting America. Join me in “Righting the Right.”


by Rita Holt

As I sat by the sustainably-sealed kitchen window under an energy-efficient light bulb, I felt another headache coming on from the stupid smart meter that was flashing away just outside of my window. I gazed out at the brown, overgrown patch of ground that last year was my vegetable garden. “Darn Monsanto seeds,” I muttered, shoving a piece of Wonder bread in my mouth. As I gagged on the slimy glob, I had an awakening about the name of the bread. “I wonder what they put in this crap,” I thought as I spat said crap into the trash. Just then, the door bell rang. My first impulse was to ignore it, as I had been a bad global citizen and thrown recyclables in with the regular trash again. This time, they would give me a citation, not a warning. I then decided to “woman up” and face the consequences of my actions. Besides, whoever was out there had a clear view of me through the uncovered window in the door.

I opened the door and looked up at the tall, thin, grey-haired gentleman dressed in colonial garb. He wore a white apron and there was a white chef’s hat perched precariously upon his head. His gentle eyes were full of apprehension. I figured that I’d lighten things up. “Hi, George! Well, that certainly is an improvement over the three-cornered hat that you wear in those paintings!” He smiled courteously as he entered. He stood there, obviously ill at ease. “What’s the problem?” I asked. “Well,” he hesitantly began, “you are aware that I cannot tell a lie. You know about that cherry tree thing?” I nodded and he continued. “I mean, I am a guest in your home and I do not want to be rude, but your house smells like molded bread. Very musty.” I sprang into action, moving toward the kitchen as I spoke. “You know, I was just thinking the same thing. The air has been getting mustier and mustier these last few years,” I affirmed as I surreptitiously slid the loaf of Wonder bread off of the counter and into the trash can.

“So, have a seat, George. What brings you here today?” Silently, he reached into his leather satchel and lovingly pulled out a dirty, old mason jar that appeared to be full of a white, jiggly lump.

“Hmm, so what do we have here?” I asked, feigning interest. His expression grew intense as he stared at the lump. “This is the bread starter. James, John, Ben, Tom, and I, along with the other guys, made a heck of a batch of dough! Then, we put some aside so that the same bread could be made over and over again, forever.” I was distracted by the dirty glass object sitting on my clean kitchen table. “So, where has that jar been all these years?” His eyes darted up to stare angrily into mine. “That SOB Woodrow! He hid this jar when he was in the White House. Dug a hole and tossed it in like it was garbage!” I heard a catch in his voice as he said it. “Well, what are you going to do with it now?” He stood up, cradling the jar in his hands as if it were a new-born baby. “WE are going to use this starter to make-up a new batch of bread.” Then he sighed. “I don’t hold out much hope, though. You see, bread starter is a living thing. It must be tended daily or it will die.” He looked so sad. I figured that he couldn’t get any sadder, so I gently pointed out the obvious, “Umm, that starter hasn’t been tended in almost 100 years.” He nodded, “Yes, I know in my head that it is dead, but my heart and soul are willing it to live. I just have to give it one last chance.”

As I grudgingly began to get bread making stuff out of my cabinets, I thought to myself, “What an effort in futility! Why are we even bothering?” I looked over at George and gave him a forced smile. He looked so hopeful! He gingerly cleaned off the jar and gently opened it. I held my breath, waiting for the smell of musty death to waft my way. We were both startled as an overwhelmingly sweet, pleasant scent emitted into the air. I felt my skepticism wane as he placed a chunk of the starter in with some flour and water. Hope began to brew in my heart as I watched him gently knead the dough. He stepped aside and motioned for me to take over. “You must work the dough if you want the bread to rise. It is not a spectator sport.” he instructed me. Finally, the ball of dough was firm, yet flexible.. “What now?” I asked. He tenderly moved the precious dough into a bowl. “We have to wait for the dough to rise. That will be the test of the starter. If Woodrow killed it, the dough will remain flat and we will never be able to eat of that bread again.” I carefully placed the towel-covered bowl in the middle of the table and we sat there silently, waiting to see if our grand experiment would work.

Two hours later, George stood up, looked uncertainly at me, drew in a deep breath, and slowly lifted the towel. I couldn’t look. He gasped and fell to his knees, his forehead resting on his folded hands on the table. He was sobbing. I feared the worst. Still on his knees, he lifted the bowl towards me. The dough had doubled in size. As the impact of what I was seeing registered with me, I, too, wept. He lovingly set the bowl down, stood, and placed his hands on my shoulders, intently looking into my eyes. His lower lip was still quivering with emotion as he whispered anxiously, “God has given us a miracle. We have one last chance to keep the starter alive. You must realize that it is your duty, your responsibility, to never let it die. Do you understand?” Tearfully, I nodded.

As the bread baked, the musty smell that had always permeated my house began to dissipate. Soon, a luscious aroma filled the air. George beamed as he breathed it in. “Ahh, smell that! That, my dear, is the smell of freedom!”

When he was ready to leave, I wrapped part of the leftover bread for him to take on his journey. At the door, he handed me his apron and chef's hat as gave me a pleading look. “You must tend the starter and grow it every day. Give a part of it to every household in America and charge them with the same duty” His voice brightened with enthusiasm. “Soon, the smell of freedom will infuse every breath of air for every American!” I smiled at him. “You can count on me.” As he began to walk away, I called to him, “George!” He turned to me. “Yes?” I hugged the hat and apron tightly, my vision blurred by tears. “Thank you, General. Thank you for everything.”

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