Dear Caroline Kennedy:

Has Obama shown you his Hawaiian birth certificate?

1. As you probably know, issues and questions concerning Obama's Hawaiian birth certificate have recently appeared on the web.

3. But Obama and his camp won't release Obama's birth certificate to the public, and Obama won't sign a privacy waiver so that the news media can obtain a copy of Obama's Hawaiian birth certificate.
If the news media could obtain a copy of Obama's Hawaiian birth certificate, then maybe we could clear up this birth certificate controversy very quickly.

4. You seem to be a key member of Obama's campaign group.

5. So I am wondering: Have you---or anyone you know--- ever asked to see Obama's birth certifcate?

6. Has your uncle, Ted Kennedy, ever asked to see Obama's birth certificate?

7. Has Obama, or someone on his staff, voluntarily offered to show you and Ted an official copy of Obama's birth certificate that has the Hawaiian seal and the signature of a Hawaiin government official?

8. So, could you please talk Obama into releasing his Hawaiian birth certificate to the news media and the public?

9. NOTE: We know Obama has a copy of his birth certificate in his personal possessions, because he said so in one his books.

10. Thank you for your help, Caroline Kennedy.

A side note: We have many family members and friends who voted for your father to be President of the United States and who had the deepest respect for him.